
Which mash-ups are the best to cross?

There is a claim that ema - fast and slow - is the best tool. And all sorts of modifications are a no-brainer. Or which ones are better than Cross*ma

Where is the line between fitting and actual patterns?

Where is the line between fitting and real patterns? Looking at the market we see that possibly existing patterns cannot be parametrically constant. Every system has a level of fit and a level of regularity of one or more events. And the preponderance towards the second level is responsible for the

The legal side of trading. Does anyone have a FAQ?

Over the last few years of Forex development in Russia, there has been a lot of fraud by various MT-based brokerage companies. Who has a FAQ on how to solve different issues when a broker is wrong and a trader wants to get his money back

Now let's be clear, do patterns work? Let's discuss)

The market as a "chaotic wagging of the tail" what do you think of the different patterns? Do you see them?)

Please state the pros and cons of portfolio trading.

What are the pros and cons of optimised automatic portfolio trading