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Ingvar Engelbrecht
Added topic Calling MT4 or MT5 from externa program
Is it possible to call MT4 or MT5 from an external program written in C++ or Visual Basic? And possibly pass some information
Ingvar Engelbrecht
Added topic Retrieving a single value from MySQL
I am struggling with retrieving a single data value from MySQL. There are quite a few samples around both for MT4 and MT5. I have tried a few of them and they work. But they all retrieve complete rows of data from MySQL. I want to retrieve a single
Ingvar Engelbrecht
Added topic Retrive single value from MySQL
I am struggling with retrieving data from MySQL. There are quite a few samples around both for MT4 and MT5. I have tried a few of them and they work. But they all retrieve complete rows of data from MySQL. I want to retrieve single values with
Ingvar Engelbrecht
Added topic Retrieving single values from MySQL
I have spent hours searching for code samples showing how to retrieve a single value from MySQL. All samples are returning complete rows. They work. But I want to do qualified retrivals like "Select xxx from table1 where yyy equals zzz"
Ingvar Engelbrecht
Added topic Switching to MQL5
Hello. I am working on a quite large and complex EA in MT4. There are some features I miss in MQL4 especially passing objects and/or type "structs" to sub functions and specifically returning them to the calling function. Since many of my routines
Ingvar Engelbrecht
Added topic Writing DLL:s that interact with MQL5
I have written a few DLL:s for MT4. One of them was a 2-way communication with Excel. One problem I had was that MT4 is good at talking to C++ but can not talk to Visual Basic. On the other hand talking to Excel from C++ is awkward to put it
Ingvar Engelbrecht
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