
Macd in Main Chart

Has anyone developed a Macd line that would go in the main chart... ? Thanks

"undock' terminal in MT4

How would I move the terminal to a separate screen? Thank

restore pop-up Alerts

Is there a way to recover the pop up alerts when mistakenly closed? (MT4) Thank you

Difficulty Updating Purchased Items

I am attempting to update some indicators and this nasty little form pops up ad will not allow me to download. Perhaps someone knows how to deal with this thing. Thank you

Indicator trade signals

Help, please. Somewhere on the site is a post which describes how each indicator trades, ie the various options for each situation. Would someone be good enough to tell me the url or the title of the page or a technical term that I can search for. Thanks daveM

MT5 Computational errors

It is hard to believe that after this many years MT5 is making silly computational errors. How reliable can this program be? How thorough is the programming

Multiterminal not copying orders to slave accounts

I am attempting to use Multiterminal with 5 digit accounts and am having difficulty getting it to accept orders... Can someone tell me where to look for whatever error there may be in my set up......? All slave accounts are connected..... the master is at the top of the list.... I would like to know

Optimization Sort - Balance + ________

There are seven sorts possible ie max Recovery Factor, max Profit Factor. Has someone done any research as to the 'best' sort to use or any sort of comparison. Myself, I weigh Recovery Factor and Sharpe and Profit Factor. I would like to know how others weigh their results

RSI indicator MT5 giving weird results

The MT5 Indicator shows quite differently from that in MT4, obviously there is a substantial error in the coding Perhaps someone will correct this error. So also Williams Percent R indicator Both of these are vastly different from MT4 Please arrange to have these corrected ASAP Thank you

Williams PerCent R indicator

There is a significant difference when placing this indicator on a chart in MT5 as compared to MT4. Perhaps some developer people will examine the code in the MT5 version and correct it. Thanks so much