Not the Grail, just a regular one - Bablokos!!! - page 246

You don't get it or you don't get it, there's no point in talking anymore.

You're as smart as dirt here, everyone is smart about everything, but the depot is just repenting...and you're coming to get your kojan.

PS. Finally you understand that your posts are inappropriate. You've flooded the thread, you're the only reason why I'm flooded.

I trade on Fresh. There, by the way, you can attract investors to PAMM accounts as well. They pay very quickly.
Deleted the post with the trades (not to mislead anyone), as I realised that the results are nothing like the Joker system.
I deleted the post with the trades (so as not to mislead anyone), because I realised that the results are nothing like the Joker system.
Well, it's not your fault you invented your own system :)
I deleted the post with the trades (not to mislead anyone), because I realised that the results do not resemble the Joker system at all.
Does it make money? Then it doesn't matter whose system it looks like (:
Well, it's not your fault you invented your own system :)
It's not all flies on a plane.
Is it mooching money? Then it doesn't matter whose system it looks like (:
It's not all that rosy.
Alex, have you tested your trading on years 1-2? Particularly interested in 2013. It's just that I also traded in manual mode about half a year ago, everything was great until I got into trouble. And later made a script and from it I realised that not everything is so sunny.
Not everything is so sunny.

Golden words!...



Well, at least we all know something for sure :))

ZS: I'm testing a thought now, if that doesn't work either, I don't know where to dig then, alas.


Well, at least we all know something for sure :))

ZS: I'm testing a thought now, if that doesn't work either, I don't know where to dig then, alas.

Down and only down. Those who dug upwards are left under the rubble. Although, many of those who dug down were also buried in the rubble.