[Archive!] FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Consequences (Episode 10: December 2011) - page 339


I'm Russian, a true Aryan)))

I should probably put some more byes in.

strange, didn't you watch Stirlitz or something, I think they called Germans true Aryans there

I'm Russian, a true Aryan)))

I should probably put some more byes in.

Aryan or Russian?)))

So aryan or russian?)))

i'm arya is the real russian, my grandfathers were wise men and they didn't worship jewish gods))))

I'll wait with the bay, let this one close with a profit.


I am an arya, the most authentic Russian, my grandfathers were wise men and did not worship Jewish gods))))

And what prompted you to take the slippery slope of currency speculation? )))
And what prompted you to take the slippery slope of currency speculation? )))

I'm alone, may I call you))) thirst for enrichment and hatred of working for aunts and uncles ))))

I am alone, you may speak)))) greed and hatred of working for all kinds of uncles and aunts ))))

Greed is bad))) Bai, I take it you didn't close?

Greed is bad)))

I know, but I can not help it, when I go into a boutique with gold, I immediately lose my mind and the guards separate me from the showcase)))

one bay I'm holding for now


i'm arya is the most real, russian, my grandfathers were wise men and didn't worship jewish gods))))

I'll wait for the bai to close with a profit.

You have a chauvenistic attitude ... Do you have something against the Jews? If so, I'm sorry...


I'm alone, you may call me))) thirst for wealth and hatred of working for various uncles and aunts ))))
if you can't get a handicap, no worries .... there's a way out .... marry a millionaire ))