[Archive!] FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Consequences (Episode 10: December 2011) - page 250


There is a riot in Kazakhstan, comrades.

The bony hands of Hillary Clinton and the State Department are getting there too!

What do they want?

There is a riot in Kazakhstan, comrades.

The bony hands of Hillary Clinton and the State Department are getting there too!

Where is the riot? It's kind of quiet, it's the holidays.

What do they want?

This question will be more accurately answered by the local comrades on the forum who live there.

The oil workers seem to want something.



Where is the riot? It's kind of quiet here, it's the holidays.
You have already had your Internet turned off, in the form of Twitter.

I was actually answering Kitsap's question "No signal, no volume..."))
yeah, well, answers always end with ? ))
Yeah, well, the answers always end with a ? ))
You've never been to Odessa?

Where is the riot? It's kind of quiet, it's the holidays.

in janozen, bullshit, beer's on the rocks.

Janozen... what a word... it sounds like somewhere in the suburbs of Paris...


Yeah, well, the answers always end with a ? ))

In Russian, almost all the time)))

This question will be more accurately answered by the local comrades from the forum who live there.

The oil workers seem to want something.


It's not a riot, is it? It was just a bit of fun with some vodka. In our country, if a riot starts, they won't coddle the rioters, they'll kill them and that's it))