Artificial Intelligence 2020 - is there progress? - page 26


Half the sound is missing. Sad :-( I'll throw in the original now.

Mihail Marchukajtes:

I apologise at once for the sound quality. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't get the noise down.

And yes this is purely my opinion with which you may not agree and I am happy to hear your arguments.

It's fine. The native sound of chisels and lawnmowers is truly relaxing. And deep thoughts expressed against a native backdrop inspire limitless perspectives.

Vitaliy Maznev:

That's fine. The native sound of chisels and lawnmowers is truly relaxing. And deep thoughts expressed against a native backdrop are a source of boundless perspective.

Halfway through the video the sound fades away. It's obvious that you didn't have the strength to watch it to the end. I'll re-render it and post it with full sound...
Mihail Marchukajtes:
There's half of the video where the sound disappears. It's obvious you didn't have the strength to watch it to the end. I'll re-render it and post it with full sound...

Yes, it's a strong piece. Composer Alexei Shelygin should listen to it. I thought the later transition (what you defined as 'missing sound') was for meditation.

Vitaliy Maznev:

Yes, it's a strong piece. Composer Alexei Shelygin should listen to it. I thought the later transition (what you defined as 'missing sound') was for meditation.

There's just some interesting runs in the second half as well. The video is loading. Expect...
Mihail Marchukajtes:
It's just that the second half also has some interesting runs. Video is uploading. Expect...

I would watch with interest. I would record such monologues in history.

Aleksei Stepanenko:

Artificial Intelligence Post2020. Mikhail Burtsev

Well then let this be a response to this particular video that outraged me and motivated me to record my own. Watch and smile :-)

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Обобщающие алгоритмы не имеют ничего общего с интеллектом
They like the word "intelligence", so they need to motivate the kids to keep sawing the world's coolest nuclear bomb.

I read it a long time ago, can't find the source now. By stimulating different parts of the brain, a person saw different pictures. Some areas gave sensations of individual objects or some properties, while others drew more complex stories in the mind. Suggestions have been made that the processing of information in the mind goes through several stages.

As far as I know, artificial neural networks have a small number of neurons. And increasing the complexity of the circuits, does not lead to much progress.

The brain of a living being has been honed by evolution over millions of years. Each area of the brain is needed for a particular purpose, or many purposes at once. This is as yet unknown to us. It's difficult to replicate. To replicate it, you have to understand, and to fully understand it is still ege-gee-gee.

Dmitry Fedoseev:
Well they like the word "intelligence", you have to motivate the kids somehow, so that someone will keep sawing the world's coolest nuclear bomb.
I confess to sinning with the word myself knowing that it is not so..... actually, only figuratively. No more....