Help requested on changes to Time[] after build 574. - page 2


Do it properly, use the correct variable type . . .

try to Print() it & c the difference

Raptor showed a correct way to use it. Check the documentation.

graziani: Raptor showed a correct way to use it. Check the documentation.
datetime a = Time[index]; 
I don't think he did. The original question was:
bushTrader: "string name" + Time[index] ... instead of Time[index] giving the number of seconds, it gives the time in a text. I need the number of seconds like in build 509.
Original poster's
string objName = "name" + Time[index];
or RaptorUK's post, should give the same result.
datetime a = Time[index]; 
string objName = "name" + a;                   // "nameYYYY.MM.DD..."
Try any variation of:
string objName = "name" + (ulong) Time[index]; // "name1417517700"
// or
datetime now      = Time[index];
ulong    nowAsInt = now;
string objName = "name" + nowAsInt;            // "name1417517700"

try to Print() it & c the difference

Like this . . .

datetime a = Time[index]; 
Print("Time[", index", "] in seconds since 1st Jan 1970 is ", (int)a);

Do it properly, use the correct variable type . . .

My original code was done properly as you say. However reguarding my original post, I don't get the seconds any more, now a text instead. Hmmmm.

OK, i see.

Functions Time()/iTime() return type datetime. So the only proper way of using these functions is

datetime a = Time[index];

Further, to print it out you can use

Print((string)a); // now
Print(TimeToString(a,...)); //now & before

This is the only correct way, otherwise you can expect undefined behaviour in case of library/compiler change.

BUT, knowing that internal representation of this datatype is time elapsed in seconds since 1970 stored in 8 bytes long unsigned integer type, and that ulong type is 8 bytes long, you can trick it:

ulong ul = (ulong)a;

Unfortunately, to be sure that your program will always run, you are not allowed to do this. User should ONLY use functions defined for manipulating of datetime type.

So, where is the problem?
Traders are not programmers. They are not interested in structured or OO programming. They just want to use the simplest way to define behaviour of an EA.
Forcing strict C rules on some C like language like mql4 NOW is stupid.
Also i am not sure that forcing C++ rules (MQL5 in MT5) will result any better. Although the EA generator in MT5 doesn't look bad, IMO it is too complicated for an average trader.
Basic (language) or something alike, would be the most appropriate language in this sense.

And what now?
I don't see a good way nor simple way: the simplest solution is to learn proper C programming. Which is far more easier than C++.


Like this . . .

datetime a = Time[index]; 
Print("Time[", index", "] in seconds since 1st Jan 1970 is ", (int)a);

Thanks, after removing the double quote after index, I succeeded with this.

datetime a = Time[index]; 
Print("Time[", index, "] in seconds since 1st Jan 1970 is ", (int)a);

So, would the following be proper?

"string name" + (int)Time[index] //to name objects on my charts

or even this

StringConcatenate("string name",(int)Time[index])


Thanks, after removing the double quote after index, I succeeded with this.

So, would the following be proper?

"string name" + (int)Time[index] //to name objects on my charts

I think that would work . . . but might give a warning, maybe this is technically correct . . . even if it looks horrible.

"string name" + (string)(int)Time[index] //to name objects on my charts
I think that would work . . . but might give a warning, maybe this is technically correct . . . even if it looks horrible.

using long or ulong instead of int doesn't giving a warning