Object position on the chart and chart window vs. monitor resolution.


The MT4 chart scales automatically if in the chart properties window both boxes ‘Scale fix One to One’ and ‘Scale fix’ are not check marked. Placing the object on the chart with vertical position determined by fixed price will cause object to move in vertically not only by price movement, but also according to the algorithm (formula) governing vertical scale.
I would speculate here, that input variables to that formula are derived from bars in the chart and the chart window properties.

Here, I would kindly request ‘Meta Quotes’ to reveal the formula as it may be quite useful for controlling position graphics on the chart.

Further to the chart windows I would like to expose issue I am faced with. I have my MT4 installed of portable USB mini drive, and I move it from computer to computer as I travel. I have set of predefined profiles on my drive, typically with tiled windows to typically see 4 charts. The profile charts are write protected so no matter what I change during the session, reloading profile restores all my settings incluring Indicators with their setup. I have created them on the monitor the resolution of 768x1280. As I move from computer to computer the monitor resolution changes resulting in my windows being to small or falling of the screen. I have fix that by creating profiles marked by the screen size.

Is there a better way to handle it being on the move?
Thank you in advance for your help.

My best regards,

There are 4 functions to determine visible scale:
WindowFirstVisibleBar, WindowBarsPerChart, WindowPriceMax, WindowPriceMin

Are those the only options to control visible scale... Use WindowFirstVisibleBar, WindowBarsPerChart to calculate X axis and WindowPriceMax, WindowPriceMin to calculate Y axis.

 I'm having the same issue as FX4EVER, moving from one computer to another with differennt resolutions.

Is it possible to have the following code auto-stretch/auto-scale? Depending on Chart pixels??


   ObjectSet(as_name, OBJPROP_XDISTANCE, ai_xdistance_value);
   ObjectSet(as_name, OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, ai_ydistance_value);