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MQL5 Cookbook: Indicator Subwindow Controls - Buttons

MQL5 Cookbook: Indicator Subwindow Controls - Buttons

MetaTrader 5Examples | 4 November 2013, 10:02
15 361 3
Anatoli Kazharski
Anatoli Kazharski


In this article, we will consider an example of developing a user interface with button controls. To convey the idea of interactivity to the user, buttons will change their colors when the cursor hovers over them. With the cursor being over a button, the button color will be slightly darkened, getting significantly darker when the button is clicked. Furthermore, we will add tooltips to each button, thus creating an intuitive interface.

The article will also cover some events: mouse move event, state of the left mouse button, left-click on an object and the event of modifying chart properties. We are going to create a button panel that will take up the entire space of the indicator subwindow. For illustrative purposes, the buttons will be arranged in three rows, with four buttons in each row.



In MQL5, buttons can be created using various graphical objects, like OBJ_BUTTON (Button), OBJ_BITMAP (Bitmap), OBJ_BITMAP_LABEL (Bitmap Label) or OBJ_EDIT (Edit).

In this article, we will create buttons using OBJ_EDIT. Objects of this type can be made Read Only. They are also useful in that they can display text you specify. Furthermore, you can make the object's corners sharp, while keeping its border.

So, let's create an indicator using the MQL5 Wizard. Slightly reworked, the source code of the indicator will be as follows:

//|                                                  TestButtons.mq5 |
//|                        Copyright 2013, MetaQuotes Software Corp. |
//|                                     |
#property copyright "Copyright 2013, MetaQuotes Software Corp."
#property link      ""
#property version   "1.00"
#property indicator_separate_window // Indicator is in the subwindow
#property indicator_plots 0         // No plotting series
//| Custom indicator initialization function                         |
int OnInit()
//--- indicator buffers mapping

//| Custom indicator iteration function                              |
int OnCalculate(const int rates_total,
                const int prev_calculated,
                const int begin,
                const double &price[])

//--- return value of prev_calculated for next call
//| Timer function                                                   |
void OnTimer()

//| ChartEvent function                                              |
void OnChartEvent(const int id,
                  const long &lparam,
                  const double &dparam,
                  const string &sparam)


What we have right now is an empty window with zero plotting series. The need for a timer will be discussed a bit later.

Let's now add constants, variables and arrays that will be used in creating functions. All arrays are two-dimensional. The first dimension indicates the number of buttons across the window height and the second dimension indicates the number of buttons across the window width:

#define BUTTON_COLUMNS  4           // Number of buttons across the width
#define BUTTON_ROWS 3               // Number of buttons across the height
//| Global parameters                                                |
//--- Font
string            font_name="Calibri";
//--- Indicator subwindow properties
int               subwindow_number           =WRONG_VALUE;             // Subwindow number
int               subwindow_height           =0;                       // Subwindow height
string            subwindow_shortname        ="TestButtons";           // Short name of the indicator
string            prefix                     =subwindow_shortname+"_"; // Prefix for object names
int               chart_width                =0;                       // Chart width
int               chart_height               =0;                       // Chart height
int               chart_y_offset             =0;                       // Distance from the chart top to the subwindow
//--- Colors of button elements
color             background_color           =clrSteelBlue;            // Button color
color             font_color                 =clrWhite;                // Font color
color             hover_background_color     =C'38,118,166';           // Button color when the cursor goes over
color             clicked_background_color   =C'2,72,136';             // Clicked button color
//--- Text displayed on buttons
string button_texts[BUTTON_ROWS][BUTTON_COLUMNS]=
     {"Button 01","Button 02","Button 03","Button 04"},
     {"Button 05","Button 06","Button 07","Button 08"},
     {"Button 09","Button 10","Button 11","Button 12"}
//--- Object names
string button_object_names[BUTTON_ROWS][BUTTON_COLUMNS]=
//--- Button widths
int button_widths[BUTTON_ROWS][BUTTON_COLUMNS];
//--- Button heights
int button_heights[BUTTON_ROWS][BUTTON_COLUMNS];
//--- X-coordinates
int button_x_distances[BUTTON_ROWS][BUTTON_COLUMNS];
//--- Y-coordinates
int button_y_distances[BUTTON_ROWS][BUTTON_COLUMNS];
//--- Button states
bool button_states[BUTTON_ROWS][BUTTON_COLUMNS]=
//--- Button colors
color button_colors[BUTTON_ROWS][BUTTON_COLUMNS];

While loading the indicator to the chart, the arrays should be initialized to object properties in the OnInit() function, after calculating the coordinates and sizes. We should also enable cursor tracking. And finally, we need to add buttons to the indicator subwindow. For convenience, these actions will be performed in separate functions that we are going to look into one by one further below. As a result, the OnInit() function code will look as follows:

//| Custom indicator initialization function                         |
int OnInit()
//--- Set the timer at 1-second intervals
//--- Add prefix to object names
//--- Enable tracking of mouse events
//--- Set the short name
//--- Set subwindow properties
//--- Set button properties
   SetButtonColors();      // Colors
   SetButtonCoordinates(); // Coordinates
   SetButtonSizes();       // Sizes
//--- Add the button panel
//--- Refresh the chart
//--- Everything completed successfully

In the AddPrefix() function, the prefix, i.e. the short name of the indicator, is added to the name of each graphical object. This is necessary to exclude replacement/deletion/shift of objects in case of matching object names where more than one program is running on the chart.

//| Adding prefix to all object names                                |
void AddPrefix()
//--- Add prefix to object names
   for(int i=0; i<BUTTON_COLUMNS; i++)
      for(int j=0; j<BUTTON_ROWS; j++)

Chart properties required for calculations will be initialized in the SetSubwindowProperties() function:

//| Setting subwindow properties                                     |
void SetSubwindowProperties()
//--- Indicator subwindow number
//--- Subwindow width and height

After getting the chart properties, we can make to calculations for determining button colors, coordinate values and sizes. All these actions are performed in three separate functions provided below:

//| Setting button color                                             |
void SetButtonColors()
   for(int i=0; i<BUTTON_COLUMNS; i++)
      for(int j=0; j<BUTTON_ROWS; j++)
         //--- If the button is clicked
         //--- If the button is unclicked
//| Setting X and Y coordinates for buttons                          |
void SetButtonCoordinates()
   int button_width=chart_width/BUTTON_COLUMNS;
   int button_height=subwindow_height/BUTTON_ROWS;
   for(int i=0; i<BUTTON_COLUMNS; i++)
      for(int j=0; j<BUTTON_ROWS; j++)
//| Setting button width and height                                  |
void SetButtonSizes()
   int button_width=chart_width/BUTTON_COLUMNS;
   int button_height=subwindow_height/BUTTON_ROWS;
   for(int i=0; i<BUTTON_COLUMNS; i++)
      for(int j=0; j<BUTTON_ROWS; j++)

And finally, the AddButtonsPanel() function adds buttons to the indicator subwindow:

//| Adding buttons to the indicator subwindow                        |
void AddButtonsPanel()
//--- Create buttons
   for(int i=0; i<BUTTON_COLUMNS; i++)
      for(int j=0; j<BUTTON_ROWS; j++)

The source code of the auxiliary function CreateButton() is as follows:

//| Creating a button (graphical object of the Edit type)            |
void CreateButton(long   chart_id,     // chart id
                  int    sub_window,   // (sub)window number
                  string object_name,  // object name
                  string text,         // displayed text
                  long   corner,       // chart corner
                  string font,         // font
                  int    font_size,    // font size
                  color  c_font,       // font color
                  color  c_background, // background color
                  color  c_border,     // border color
                  int    x_size,       // width
                  int    y_size,       // height
                  int    x_dist,       // X-coordinate
                  int    y_dist,       // Y-coordinate
                  long   zorder,       // Z-order
                  bool   read_only,    // Read Only flag
                  string tooltip)      // tooltip
//--- If the object has been created successfully, set the remaining properties
      ObjectSetString(chart_id,object_name,OBJPROP_TEXT,text);              // name
      ObjectSetInteger(chart_id,object_name,OBJPROP_CORNER,corner);         // chart corner
      ObjectSetString(chart_id,object_name,OBJPROP_FONT,font);              // font
      ObjectSetInteger(chart_id,object_name,OBJPROP_FONTSIZE,font_size);    // font size
      ObjectSetInteger(chart_id,object_name,OBJPROP_COLOR,c_font);          // font color
      ObjectSetInteger(chart_id,object_name,OBJPROP_BGCOLOR,c_background);  // background color
      ObjectSetInteger(chart_id,object_name,OBJPROP_BORDER_COLOR,c_border); // border color
      ObjectSetInteger(chart_id,object_name,OBJPROP_XSIZE,x_size);          // width
      ObjectSetInteger(chart_id,object_name,OBJPROP_YSIZE,y_size);          // height
      ObjectSetInteger(chart_id,object_name,OBJPROP_XDISTANCE,x_dist);      // X-coordinate
      ObjectSetInteger(chart_id,object_name,OBJPROP_YDISTANCE,y_dist);      // Y-coordinate
      ObjectSetInteger(chart_id,object_name,OBJPROP_SELECTABLE,false);      // object is not available for selection
      ObjectSetInteger(chart_id,object_name,OBJPROP_ZORDER,zorder);         // Z-order
      ObjectSetInteger(chart_id,object_name,OBJPROP_READONLY,read_only);    // Read Only text
      ObjectSetInteger(chart_id,object_name,OBJPROP_ALIGN,ALIGN_CENTER);    // align center
      ObjectSetString(chart_id,object_name,OBJPROP_TOOLTIP,tooltip);        // no tooltip if "\n"

Please note the last parameter of the CreateButton() function: it is responsible for the tooltip when the mouse cursor goes over a graphical object. For example, in the AddButtonsPanel() function this parameter is represented by the values passed from the button_texts array (text displayed on buttons). You can create a separate array with more detailed descriptions, if desired.

Now, if you attach the indicator to the chart, the result will be as follows:

Fig. 1. Buttons added to the indicator subwindow

Fig. 1. Buttons added to the indicator subwindow

At the moment, these are mere objects arranged in the indicator subwindow. Interaction with the user is not yet implemented. Let's now "breathe life" into these objects.

First of all, we will implement the possibility of adjusting button sizes according to the size of the subwindow when the latter is resized. For this purpose, we will write two more functions - UpdateButtonCoordinates() and ResizeButtons(). They will set button coordinates and sizes:

//| Updating button coordinates                                      |
void UpdateButtonCoordinates()
//--- Set coordinates
   for(int i=0; i<BUTTON_COLUMNS; i++)
      for(int j=0; j<BUTTON_ROWS; j++)
//| Updating button sizes                                            |
void ResizeButtons()
//--- Set sizes
   for(int i=0; i<BUTTON_COLUMNS; i++)
      for(int j=0; j<BUTTON_ROWS; j++)

To handle the event of modifying the chart properties and resizing the chart, we need to use the CHARTEVENT_CHART_CHANGE identifier. Below you can see the code you need to add to the OnChartEvent() function body:

//| ChartEvent function                                              |
void OnChartEvent(const int id,           // event identifier
                  const long &lparam,     // parameter of the event of type long
                  const double &dparam,   // parameter of the event of type double
                  const string &sparam)   // parameter of the event of type string
//--- Tracking the event of modifying the chart properties and resizing the chart
      //--- Set subwindow properties
      //--- Set button coordinates
      //--- Set button sizes
      //--- Set new button coordinates
      //--- Set new button sizes
      //--- Refresh the chart
      ChartRedraw(); return;


If we add the indicator to the chart now (or recompile the code if the indicator is already on the chart), the buttons will automatically be resized and repositioned as soon as the chart window or the indicator subwindow is resized.

We further implement the change of button color when the cursor hovers over a button. But before writing the function code, let's first look into the process of handing the event with the CHARTEVENT_MOUSE_MOVE identifier.

In the OnInit() function, we already have a string that tells the program to track the mouse cursor movement, as well as the state of the left mouse button:

//--- Enable tracking of mouse events

Without this string (or if the last parameter value passed is false), events with the CHARTEVENT_MOUSE_MOVE identifier will not be tracked in the OnChartEvent() function. This may appear quite useful as there may be no need to track such events in every program.

To understand how mouse event tracking works, we can temporarily add to the OnChartEvent() function code the possibility to display the corresponding comment in the chart:

//--- Mouse movement and left-click tracking
      Comment("id: ",CHARTEVENT_MOUSE_MOVE,"\n",
              "lparam (x): ",lparam,"\n",
              "dparam (y): ",dparam,"\n",
              "sparam (state of the mouse buttons): ",sparam

If you now start to move the mouse cursor in the chart, you will be able to see the current coordinates of the cursor in the upper left corner. When left-clicking, the changes will be displayed in the comment line sparam (state of the mouse buttons), where one (1) means that the mouse button is clicked and zero (0) means that it is released.

If you need to know the subwindow where the mouse cursor is currently located, you can use the ChartXYToTimePrice() function. It gets the coordinates and returns the window/subwindow number, time and price (to the variables passed to it by reference). You can see this in action by testing the following code:

//--- Mouse movement and left-click tracking
      int      x      =(int)lparam; // X-coordinate
      int      y      =(int)dparam; // Y-coordinate
      int      window =WRONG_VALUE; // Number of the window where the cursor is located
      datetime time   =NULL;        // Time corresponding to the X-coordinate
      double   price  =0.0;         // Price corresponding to the Y-coordinate
      //--- Get the position of the cursor
         Comment("id: ",CHARTEVENT_MOUSE_MOVE,"\n",
                 "x: ",x,"\n",
                 "y: ",y,"\n",
                 "sparam (state of the mouse buttons): ",sparam,"\n",
                 "window: ",window,"\n",
                 "time: ",time,"\n",
                 "price: ",DoubleToString(price,_Digits)

The calculations in the indicator subwindow will be easier if relative coordinates are used. In this case, it concerns the Y-coordinate (price scale). To get the relative value, you only need to subtract the distance from the chart top to the indicator subwindow from the current value. This can be done as follows:

      //--- Get the position of the cursor
         //--- Get the distance from the chart top to the indicator subwindow
         //--- Convert the Y-coordinate to the relative value
         Comment("id: ",CHARTEVENT_MOUSE_MOVE,"\n",
                 "x: ",x,"\n",
                 "y: ",y,"\n",
                 "sparam (state of the mouse buttons): ",sparam,"\n",
                 "window: ",window,"\n",
                 "time: ",time,"\n",
                 "price: ",DoubleToString(price,_Digits)

Now, the value in the y variable will be negative if the mouse cursor is above the indicator subwindow and positive when the cursor goes over the subwindow area.

By default, there is a possibility to scroll the chart along the time scale, regardless of the position of the cursor on the chart. Chart scrolling can however be disabled, if and when needed. It will mostly be necessary when the cursor is located above the panel or custom controls. The code for disabling chart scrolling when the cursor is in the indicator subwindow and enabling it when the cursor moves out of the subwindow can, for example, be as follows:

         //--- If the cursor is in the subwindow area, disable chart scrolling
         //--- Enable chart scrolling if the cursor moves out of the indicator subwindow area

Further, let's write a function that will change the button color when the cursor hovers over the corresponding button - ChangeButtonColorOnHover():

//| Changing the button color when the cursor hovers over the button |
void ChangeButtonColorOnHover(int x,int y)
   int x1,y1,x2,y2;
//--- Initialize the array of XY coordinates for buttons
//--- Determine if the cursor is over any of the buttons
   for(int i=0; i<BUTTON_COLUMNS; i++)
      for(int j=0; j<BUTTON_ROWS; j++)
         //--- If this button is clicked, go to the next one
         //--- Get the button boundaries
         //--- If the cursor is within the button area, set the new button color
         if(x>x1 && x<x2 && y>y1 && y<y2)
         //--- Otherwise set the standard color

As a result, we have the following source code in the CHARTEVENT_MOUSE_MOVE identifier branch:

//--- Mouse movement and left-click tracking
      int      x      =(int)lparam; // X-coordinate
      int      y      =(int)dparam; // Y-coordinate
      int      window =WRONG_VALUE; // Number of the window where the cursor is located
      datetime time   =NULL;        // Time corresponding to the X-coordinate
      double   price  =0.0;         // Price corresponding to the Y-coordinate
      //--- Get the position of the cursor
         //--- Get the distance from the chart top to the indicator subwindow
         //--- Convert the Y-coordinate to the relative value
         //--- If the cursor is in the subwindow area, disable chart scrolling
         //--- Enable chart scrolling if the cursor moves out of the indicator subwindow area
         //--- Change the button color when the cursor is hovered over
      //--- Refresh the chart

Now, if you move the cursor over the buttons, you will be able to see the button color change/get back to normal.

Currently, only Button 01 has the color of the clicked button. If you try to click on other buttons, there will be no response and hence no color change. To implement the color change in this case, we need to use an event with the CHARTEVENT_OBJECT_CLICK identifier.

Let's write two functions: InitializeButtonStates() and ChangeButtonColorOnClick(). The InitializeButtonStates() function will check whether a given button has been clicked, taking into consideration the prefix in its name. If the click event is identified, the array of button states (button_states) is then initialized in a loop and the function returns true.

//| Initializing button states in case of click                      |
bool InitializeButtonStates(string clicked_object)
//--- Get the indicator subwindow number
//--- If a button in the indicator subwindow has been clicked
   if(ObjectFind(0,clicked_object)==subwindow_number && StringFind(clicked_object,prefix+"button_",0)>=0)
      //--- Determine the clicked button
      for(int i=0; i<BUTTON_COLUMNS; i++)
         for(int j=0; j<BUTTON_ROWS; j++)
            //--- Determine the state of all buttons

Following this, the ChangeButtonColorOnClick() function sets button colors according to the values of the button_states array.

//| Changing the button color in case of click                       |
void ChangeButtonColorOnClick()
   for(int i=0; i<BUTTON_COLUMNS; i++)
      for(int j=0; j<BUTTON_ROWS; j++)
         //--- If the button has been clicked, it is set a distinctive color
         //--- Set the standard color to the unclicked button

To make it all work, be sure to add handling of button clicks to the event tracking function OnChartEvent():

//--- Tracking left mouse button clicks on a graphical object
      //--- If the button has been clicked
         //--- Set button colors
      //--- Refresh the chart

Now when clicked, the button will change its color.

We still have a few points that need to be taken care of. In the OnDeinit() function, we should enable chart scrolling in the subwindow area and disable tracking of mouse events, when deleting the indicator from the chart. This may be important if several programs that use event tracking are running in the chart at the same time.

//| Deinitialization                                                 |
void OnDeinit(const int reason)
   if(reason==REASON_REMOVE ||  // If the indicator has been deleted from the chart or
      reason==REASON_RECOMPILE) // the program has been recompiled
      //--- Deactivate the timer
      //--- Delete the objects
      //--- Enable chart scrolling
      //--- Disable tracking of mouse events
      //--- Refresh the chart

Functions for deleting the program's graphical objects:

//| Deleting all buttons                                             |
void DeleteButtons()
   for(int i=0; i<BUTTON_COLUMNS; i++)
      for(int j=0; j<BUTTON_ROWS; j++)
//| Deleting the object by name                                      |
void DeleteObjectByName(string object_name)
//--- If such object exists
      //--- If an error occurred when deleting, print the relevant message
         Print("Error ("+IntegerToString(GetLastError())+") when deleting the object!");

And finally, here is the reason why we need a timer in this program. For example, if more than one program is running in the chart and each of the programs is required to track mouse events, then when one of them is deleted from the chart, tracking will be disabled in the OnDeinit() function for all the programs. Therefore, you may, as an alternative, run a check every second to see whether tracking of mouse events is enabled:

//| Timer function                                                   |
void OnTimer()
//--- Check whether tracking of mouse events is enabled


The CheckChartEventMouseMove() function code is provided below:

Sometimes, it may be quite sufficient to do this check for an event with the CHARTEVENT_CHART_CHANGE identifier.

Below you can see the video demonstrating what we have got as a result:



Well, that basically wraps it up. The TestButtons.mq5 indicator is attached to the article and is available for download. With further development, this example could grow into an interesting main menu. For example, the user would be able to jump to the relevant piece of information by clicking a certain button. The number of buttons could be increased, if necessary.

Translated from Russian by MetaQuotes Ltd.
Original article:

Attached files |
testbuttons.mq5 (20.47 KB)
Last comments | Go to discussion (3)
CipherPips | 2 Feb 2016 at 20:20


I want to say thank you for your contributions to the MQL5 community.  Your examples have launched me forward several months in the development of my own code.  Again, many thanks.

I have a need to use this "indicator" for Open Long, Open Short, Close All, and Set Trailing Stop buttons.  My problem is that I need to interact with my EA so that I can

1) get to these functions within the EA, and

2) get EA recommendations by flashing the "Open Long" button when the pSAR, the CCI, the MACD or other indicators trigger.

So here's my question: How can I make the EA communicate with the indicator buttons, and make the indicator buttons interface with the EA?

Thank you in advance,


Anatoli Kazharski
Anatoli Kazharski | 10 Mar 2016 at 13:37


I think that's the version do you like more: Graphical Interfaces I: Preparation of the Library Structure (Chapter 1)

Follow continuation of this series. There will be many detailed examples.

Amani Fungo
Amani Fungo | 27 Jul 2019 at 09:47


thanks for this big contribution to the Mql5 community, your articles are real educative,

i would like to ask, meas to allow and indicator to have have clickable link to open charts on the sub window instead of buttons

with thanks
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