Equidistant Channel font size..


Hi All,

Is there anyway to increase the font size on the Equidistant channel. The one that appears when you are dragging to set parameters..
The older I get, the harder it is to read :(


Find Equidistant_Channel.mq5 file
Open it in MetaEditor
Find OnInit() function in the code
Inside OnInit() function add the following
// Set the font size for the indicator's labels
IndicatorSetInteger(INDICATOR_DIGITS, 10); // Change the value 10 to your desired font size
Oleksandr Medviediev #:
Find Equidistant_Channel.mq5 file
Open it in MetaEditor
Find OnInit() function in the code
Inside OnInit() function add the following

Thanks so much for reply..
Ive searched entire PC for file but cannot find it.
Do you know where its located..
Ive looked everywhere.. 

Thanks again

Hmm.. looks like Equidistant_Channel.mq5 is built-in (pre-installed), so impossible to find source code file.

Here's what you can do:

  1. Create a new indicator in MetaEditor
  2. In OnInit() function set needed font size using IndicatorSetInteger (INDICATOR_DIGITS, your_font_size)
  3. In OnCalculate() function get the values of the Equidistant Channel indicator using the appropriate functions (  IndicatorCreate() ,  CopyBuffer() , etc.)
  4. Draw your own lines, labels and text based on the Equidistant Channel values, but with the larger font size you set earlier.

So, essentially, you'll be creating a custom indicator that mimics the functionality of the Equidistant Channel indicator but with the ability to control the font size of the labels and text.

Oleksandr Medviediev #:
Hmm.. looks like Equidistant_Channel.mq5 is built-in (pre-installed), so impossible to find source code file.

Here's what you can do:

  1. Create a new indicator in MetaEditor
  2. In OnInit() function set needed font size using IndicatorSetInteger (INDICATOR_DIGITS, your_font_size)
  3. In OnCalculate() function get the values of the Equidistant Channel indicator using the appropriate functions (  IndicatorCreate() ,  CopyBuffer() , etc.)
  4. Draw your own lines, labels and text based on the Equidistant Channel values, but with the larger font size you set earlier.

So, essentially, you'll be creating a custom indicator that mimics the functionality of the Equidistant Channel indicator but with the ability to control the font size of the labels and text.

Cool..  Thx heaps for your help..  Ill mess around with what you've said and see how I go  :)