MT5&MQL5 in Linux

Gentlemen, can you tell me why the installer doesn't even run under wine?
Has anyone run MT5 on Linux?
To answer my own question - successfully launched :)
Joker >>:
Отвечу сам себе - успешно все запустил :)

then answer the others - how?

Joker >>:
Отвечу сам себе - успешно все запустил :)

Spit it out!))) I occasionally switch to Linux and then back again))
I got it up and running, but MT5 folks seem to have used winsock's hidden paths
Terminal can't connect to servers with swearing like:
fixme:winsock:WSAIoctl SIO_GET_EXTENSION_FUNCTION_POINTER {25a207b9-ddf3-4660-8ee9-76e58c74063e}: stub
fixme:winsock:WSAIoctl SIO_GET_EXTENSION_FUNCTION_POINTER {25a207b9-ddf3-4660-8ee9-76e58c74063e}: stub
So far, we can admire at least that:

There is not much left - to ask metaquotes to fix what they are doing there such a hidden network, or to go with a bow to winehq to make that same hidden network that metaquotes used, to make the terminal work fully... I've been using Linux for a few years now and I'm not going to switch to Windows, because my MT4 on Linux is much more stable than on the native Windows...
Joker >>:
Запустить то запустил, но господа в МТ5 похоже использовали потаенные тропы winsock
Терминал не может подключиться к серверам с руганью типа:
fixme:winsock:WSAIoctl SIO_GET_EXTENSION_FUNCTION_POINTER {25a207b9-ddf3-4660-8ee9-76e58c74063e}: stub
fixme:winsock:WSAIoctl SIO_GET_EXTENSION_FUNCTION_POINTER {25a207b9-ddf3-4660-8ee9-76e58c74063e}: stub
Ну а так - можем полюбоваться пока хотябы этим:

Осталось малость - попросить метаквотов зафиксить чего они там такого потаенного сетевого творят, либо пойти с поклоном в winehq чтобы сделали то самое потаенное сетевое что заюзали метаквоты, чтобы терминал заработал в полной мере... Сам уже несколько лет работаю только на линуксе и на винду перелазить не собираюсь, ибо у меня МТ4 в линуксе работает на порядок стабильнее чем в самой нативной винде...

I second that... MT5 same picture...

Well, that's a bummer. I was about to install linux... :(
Yes, put it on, it's on 4. ______________________________________ By the way, is there even a trading platform for linux that doesn't require wine?
Trut >>:
Да ставь, четверка же идет. ______________________________________ Кстати есть ли вообще торговая платформа под линукс, чтоб без wine?

Rumus is there so no MTs...

mixo_lexus >>:

Румус есть так чтоб без вайн...МТ нету..

Thanks. It's a shame that the methinks iBM and Microsoft are foolishly investing in linux. Or are they unaware that Gates supports linux? It's not like they need to duplicate everything, just port the client terminal.
I wonder.

I successfully ran MT4 on Ubuntu 7. I copied and/or linked all XP fonts, Program Files/Internet Explorer/ directories and most DLLs. It may be redundant, but everything worked and even the Strategy Tester worked. Also you need to watch in which case WINE wants to get DLL names. Some I had to copy 2 or 3 times, with names in different registers. And it helps a lot to run wine terminal.exe & in the console, you can see everything there.