
Change Product Name-Seller

I have some products that are being sold and I would like to change their name (Title) and the .exe file is it possible? If yes how ? if yes how can my existing client gets the new file without getting charged

MT4 to MT5 conversion Different Indicator Outcome Please Help

I have converted an mt4 indicator to mt5 . The code and the logic is exactly the same but the out come is completely wrong on MT5. I am attaching the MT5 code and two pictures one from MT4 which is the correct outcome of the indicator and a picture with the wrong outcome from MT5. Could someone

Mql5 Array out of Range after conversion from Mql4- Please Help

#property strict #property copyright "Copyright 2018" #property link "" #property version "1.0" #property indicator_separate_window #property indicator_minimum 0 #property indicator_buffers 2 #property indicator_plots 2 //--- plot upVolume #property indicator_label1