Any questions from a PROFI to a SUPER PROFI - 1.


I control the terminal from a remote process.

I load any script on the chart without using a DLL. The scripts load and work.

As soon as I load a script using any library, the terminal hangs.

Of course, all the scripts with libraries work if they are loaded manually.

Anyone have any idea?

I should also add that the folder with the terminal is copied from the folder with the original terminal to its folder as follows: ...\MetaTrader 4\MT4\...

All copies as hard and symbolic links, except for files: accounts.ini, server.ini, terminal.ini.

There is no such topic. What about the question?
I don't understand why there would be a need to duplicate a branch. There is already one.
Any newbie question, so as not to clutter up the forum. Professionals do not go by. Not without you.
Any question from a pro not to clutter up the forum. Any question from a pro not to clutter up the forum. Any question from a pro not to clutter up the forum - 1.
Any newcomer's question, so as not to clutter up the forum. Professionals don't pass by. Can't go anywhere without you - 2.
Any question from a pro not to clutter up the forum. Any question from a pro not to clutter up the forum. Any question from a pro not to clutter up the forum - 1.
Andrey, you as a super pro, say something!!! :-))
Try the 226th build of the terminal - the dlls work correctly there.
Try the 226th build of the terminal - the dlls work correctly there.
I have 225.
Try 226. The issue of dlls has already been raised here. People have come to the conclusion that 226 is the most stable build.

As soon as you load a script using any library, the terminal hangs.

Of course, all scripts with libraries work if you load them manually.

Who knows?

Vadim, you won't believe it, I had the same problem yesterday. I wrote a dll project in VC++ 2008.

After half a day of suffering I decided to compile it in VC++ 6.0.

All was taken care of!!! Not a single glitch or hangs!


Branch topic made the right one.
But make sure the word "Profi" is marked so that people don't get the branches confused.

Try 226. The issue of dlls has already been raised here. People have come to the conclusion that the 226th build is the most stable.

Thank you! There are changes, but not very good. It still hangs, but if you don't run the DLL initialisation immediately after the start of the script, it works without crashing or freezing.

It works like this:

#include <ServicesMT4.mqh>
void start()
  for (int i = 0; !IsStopped(); i++)
    if (i == 5)

It doesn't work like this:

#include <ServicesMT4.mqh>
void start()

Vadim, you won't believe it, I had the same problem yesterday. Written a dll project in VC++ 2008

After half a day of suffering - decided to compile in VC++ 6.0.

All was taken care of!!! Not a single glitch or hangs!


Branch topic made the right one.
Just mark the word PROFILE so that people would not be confused by branches.

Wasthe project copied into VC++ 6.0 with its properties or was it configured separately?

I've already had three occasions where I've used functions in VS 2010 that aren't available in XP. Everything worked on Vista and 7, but the terminal didn't see the library on XP.


The topic of the thread has been made the right one.
Just highlight the word PROFI so that people don't get the threads confused.

If the PROFIs don't mind, the moderators can help keep the thread as sterile as possible.