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Data label for time series mining (Part 3):Example for using label data

Data label for time series mining (Part 3):Example for using label data

MetaTrader 5Expert Advisors | 13 October 2023, 14:11
3 869 0
Yuqiang Pan
Yuqiang Pan


This article introduces how to use PyTorch Lightning and PyTorch Forecasting framework through MetaTrader5 trading platform to implement financial time series forecasting based on neural networks.

In the article, we will also explain our reasons for choosing these two frameworks and the data format we utilized.

Regarding the data, you can utilize the data produced by data labeling from my prior two articles. Since they share the same format, you can readily extend it following the methodology in this paper.

The links to the preceding two articles are: 

  1. Data label for time series mining(Part 1):Make a dataset with trend markers through the EA operation chart
  2. Data label for timeseries mining(Part 2):Make datasets with trend markers using Python

Table of contents:

Several important Python libraries

First, let's introduce the main Python libraries we will use.

1. PyTorch Lightning

PyTorch Lightning is a deep learning framework that is specifically designed for professional AI researchers and machine learning engineers who require the utmost flexibility without compromising on scalability.

The central concept of it is to separate academic code (like model definitions, forward/backward propagation, optimizers, validation, etc.) from engineering code (like for loops, saving mechanisms, TensorBoard logs, training strategies, etc.), resulting in more streamlined and understandable code.

The primary benefits include:

  • High reusability- The design of it enables the code to be reused across various projects.
  • Easy maintenance- Thanks to its structured design, maintaining the code becomes simpler.
  • Clear logic- By abstracting boilerplate engineering code, machine learning code becomes easier to identify and comprehend.

Overall, PyTorch Lightning is an extremely potent library that offers an efficient method for organizing and managing your PyTorch code. Additionally, it provides a structured approach to dealing with common yet intricate tasks like model training, validation, and testing.

The detailed usage of this librarie can be found in their official documentation:

2. PyTorch Forecasting

It is a Python library that is specifically designed for time series forecasting. As it is built on PyTorch, you can leverage the powerful automatic differentiation and optimization libraries of PyTorch, while also benefiting from the convenience that PyTorch Forecasting offers for time series forecasting.

Within PyTorch Forecasting, you can find implementations of a variety of predictive models, including but not limited to autoregressive models (AR, ARIMA), state space models (SARIMAX), neural networks (LSTM, GRU), and ensemble methods (Prophet, N-Beats). This implies that you can experiment with and compare different predictive approaches within the same framework without the need to write extensive boilerplate code for each approach.

The library also offers a range of data preprocessing tools that can assist you in handling common tasks in time series. These tools encompass missing value imputation, scaling, feature extraction, and rolling window transformations among others. This implies that you can concentrate more on the design and optimization of your model without needing to devote substantial time to data processing.

It also offers a unified interface for evaluating model performance. It implements loss functions and validation metrics for time series like QuantileLoss and SMAPE, and supports training methodologies like early stopping and cross-validation. This enables you to track and enhance your model’s performance more conveniently.

If you’re seeking a method to enhance the efficiency and maintainability of your time series forecasting project, then PyTorch Forecasting might be an excellent choice. It offers an effective and flexible means to organize and manage your PyTorch code, enabling you to concentrate on the most crucial aspect - the machine learning model itself.

The detailed usage of this librarie can be found in their official documentation:

3. About N-HiTS model

The N-HiTS model addresses the issues of prediction volatility and computational complexity in long-term forecasting by introducing innovative hierarchical interpolation and multi-rate data sampling techniques. This allows the N-HiTS model to effectively approximate a prediction range of any length.

Furthermore, extensive experiments conducted on large-scale datasets have demonstrated that the N-HiTS model improves accuracy by an average of nearly 20% compared to the latest Transformer architecture, while also reducing computation time by an order of magnitude (50 times).

Link to the paper:


First, we need to import the required libraries. These libraries include MetaTrader5 (for interacting with the MT5 terminal), PyTorch Lightning (for training the model), and some other libraries for data processing and visualization.

import MetaTrader5 as mt5
import lightning.pytorch as pl
from lightning.pytorch.callbacks import EarlyStopping
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
from pytorch_forecasting import Baseline, NHiTS, TimeSeriesDataSet
from import NaNLabelEncoder
from pytorch_forecasting.metrics import MAE, SMAPE, MQF2DistributionLoss, QuantileLoss
from lightning.pytorch.tuner import Tuner

Next, we need to initialize MetaTrader5. This is done by calling the mt.initialize() function. If you cannot initialize it simply by using it, you need to pass the path of the MT5 terminal as a parameter to this function (in the example “D:\Project\mt\MT5\terminal64.exe” is my personal path location, in actual application you need to configure it to your own path location). If initialization is successful, the function will return True, otherwise False.

if not mt.initialize("D:\\Project\\mt\\MT5\\terminal64.exe"):
    print('initialize() failed!')

The mt.symbols_total() function is used to get the total number of tradable varieties available in the MT5 terminal. We can use it to judge whether we can correctly obtain data. If the total number is greater than 0, we can use the mt.copy_rates_from_pos() function to obtain historical data of the specified tradable variety. In this example, we obtained the most recent length of "mt_data_len" M15 (15 minutes) period data of the “GOLD_micro” variety.

if sb > 0:

Finally, we use the mt.shutdown() function to close the connection with the MT5 terminal and convert the obtained data into Pandas DataFrame format.


Now, let’s discuss how to preprocess the data obtained from the MT5 terminal.

we need to convert timestamps into dates first:

rts_fm['time']=pd.to_datetime(rts_fm['time'], unit='s') 

Here we no longer describe how to label data. You can find methods in my previous two articles (there are article links in the introduction of this article). For a concise demonstration of how to use prediction models, we simply divide every "max_encoder_length+2max_prediction_length" pieces of data into a group. Each group has a sequence from 0 to "max_encoder_length+2max_prediction_length-1", and fill them. In this way, we add the required labels to the original data. First we need to convert the original time index (i.e., DataFrame’s index) into a time index. Calculate the remainder of the original time index divided by (max_encoder_length+2max_prediction_length), and use the result as a new time index. This maps the time index into a range from 0 to "max_encoder_length+2*max_prediction_length-1":

rts_fm['time_idx']= rts_fm.index%(max_encoder_length+2*max_prediction_length) 

We also need to convert the original time index into a group. Calculate the original time index divided by "max_encoder_length+2*max_prediction_length", and use the result as a new group:


We encapsulate the data preprocessing part into a function. We only need to pass it the length of data we need to get and it can complete data preprocessing work:

def get_data(mt_data_len:int):
    if not mt.initialize("D:\\Project\\mt\\MT5\\terminal64.exe"):
        print('initialize() failed!') 
        if sb > 0:
        # print(len(rts))
    rts_fm['time']=pd.to_datetime(rts_fm['time'], unit='s') 
    rts_fm['time_idx']= rts_fm.index%(max_encoder_length+2*max_prediction_length) 
return rts_fm

Rewriting the pytorch_forecasting.TimeSeriesDataSet class

Rewriting the  to_dataloader()  function in the  pytorch_forecasting. This allows you to control whether the data is shuffled and whether to drop the last group of a batch (mainly to prevent unpredictable errors caused by insufficient length of the last group of data). Here’s how you can do it:

class New_TmSrDt(TimeSeriesDataSet):
    def to_dataloader(self, train: bool = True, 
                      batch_size: int = 64, 
                      batch_sampler: Sampler | str = None, 
                      **kwargs) -> DataLoader:
        default_kwargs = dict(
            drop_last=drop_last, #modification
        kwargs = default_kwargs
        if kwargs["batch_sampler"] is not None:
            sampler = kwargs["batch_sampler"]
            if isinstance(sampler, str):
                if sampler == "synchronized":
                    kwargs["batch_sampler"] = TimeSynchronizedBatchSampler(
                    raise ValueError(f"batch_sampler {sampler} unknown - see docstring for valid batch_sampler")
            del kwargs["batch_size"]
            del kwargs["shuffle"]
            del kwargs["drop_last"]

        return DataLoader(self,**kwargs)
This code creates a new class  New_TmSrDt  that inherits from  TimeSeriesDataSet . The  to_dataloader()  function is then overridden in this new class to include the  shuffle  and  drop_last  parameters. This way, you can have more control over your data loading process. Remember to replace instances of  TimeSeriesDataSet  with  New_TmSrDt  in your code.

Creating Training and Validation Datasets

First, we need to determine the cutoff point for the training data. This is done by subtracting the maximum prediction length from the maximum ‘time_idx’ value.

max_encoder_length = 2*96
max_prediction_length = 30
training_cutoff = rts_fm["time_idx"].max() - max_prediction_length

Then, we use the  New_TmSrDt  class (which is the  TimeSeriesDataSet  class we rewrote) to create a training dataset. This class requires the following parameters:

  • The DataFrame (in this case ‘rts_fm’)
  • The ‘time_idx’ column, which is a continuous integer sequence
  • The target column (in this case ‘close’), which is the value we want to predict
  • The group column (in this case ‘series’), which represents different time series
  • The maximum lengths of the encoder and predictor
context_length = max_encoder_length
prediction_length = max_prediction_length

training = New_TmSrDt(
        data[lambda x: x.time_idx <= training_cutoff],
        # min_encoder_length=max_encoder_length//2,
        # min_prediction_length=1,
validation = New_TmSrDt.from_dataset(training, 
                                  min_prediction_idx=training_cutoff + 1)

Next, we use the  New_TmSrDt.from_dataset()  function to create a validation dataset. This function requires the following parameters:

  • The training dataset
  • The DataFrame
  • The minimum prediction index, which should be 1 greater than the maximum ‘time_idx’ value of the training data

validation = New_TmSrDt.from_dataset(training, rts_fm, min_prediction_idx=training_cutoff + 1)

Finally, we use the  to_dataloader()  function to convert the training and validation datasets into PyTorch DataLoader objects. This function requires the following parameters:

  • The ‘train’ parameter, which indicates whether the data should be shuffled
  • The ‘batch_size’ parameter, which specifies the number of samples per batch
  • The ‘num_workers’ parameter, which specifies the number of worker processes for data loading

train_dataloader = training.to_dataloader(train=True,
val_dataloader = validation.to_dataloader(train=False, 

Finally, we encapsulate this part of code into a function  spilt_data(data:pd.DataFrame,t_drop_last:bool,t_shuffle:bool,v_drop_last:bool,v_shuffle:bool) , and specify the following parameters:

  • The ‘data’ parameter, which is used to receive the dataset that needs to be processed
  • The ‘t_drop_last’ parameter, which indicates whether the last group of the training dataset should be dropped
  • The ‘t_shuffle’ parameter, which indicates whether the training data should be shuffled
  • The ‘v_drop_last’ parameter, which indicates whether the last group of the validation dataset should be dropped
  • The ‘v_shuffle’ parameter, which indicates whether the validation data should be shuffled

We make train_dataloader(an instance of dataloader for training dataset), val_dataloader(an instance of dataloader for validation dataset) and training(an instance of TimeSeriesDataSet for dataset) as return values of this function as they will be used later.

def spilt_data(data:pd.DataFrame,
    training_cutoff = data["time_idx"].max() - max_prediction_length #max:95
    context_length = max_encoder_length
    prediction_length = max_prediction_length
    training = New_TmSrDt(
        data[lambda x: x.time_idx <= training_cutoff],
        # min_encoder_length=max_encoder_length//2,
        # min_prediction_length=1,

    validation = New_TmSrDt.from_dataset(training, 
                                         min_prediction_idx=training_cutoff + 1)
    train_dataloader = training.to_dataloader(train=True,
    val_dataloader = validation.to_dataloader(train=False, 
    return train_dataloader,val_dataloader,training

Model Creation and Training

Now we start creating the NHiTS model. This part will show how to set its parameters and how to train it.

1.Find the best learning rate

Before starting model creation, we use the Tuner object of PyTorch Lightning to find the best learning rate.

First, we need to create a Trainer object of PyTorch Lightning, where the ‘accelerator’ parameter is used to specify the device type, and ‘gradient_clip_val’ is used to prevent gradient explosion.

trainer = pl.Trainer(accelerator="cpu", gradient_clip_val=0.1)

Next, we use the  NHiTS.from_dataset()  function to create an NHiTS model  net . This function requires the following parameters:

  • The training dataset
  • The learning rate
  • Weight decay
  • The loss function
  • The size of the hidden layer
  • The optimizer
net = NHiTS.from_dataset(

Then we instantiate the Tuner class and call the  lr_find()  function. This function will train the model on a series of learning rates based on our dataset and compare the loss of each learning rate to get the best learning rate.

res = Tuner(trainer).lr_find(
    net, train_dataloaders=train_dataloader, val_dataloaders=val_dataloader, min_lr=1e-5, max_lr=1e-1

Similarly, we encapsulate this part of code that gets the best learning rate into a function  get_learning_rate() , and make the obtained best learning rate as its return value:

def get_learning_rate():
    trainer = pl.Trainer(accelerator="cpu", gradient_clip_val=0.1,logger=False)
    net = NHiTS.from_dataset(
    res = Tuner(trainer).lr_find(
        net, train_dataloaders=t_loader, val_dataloaders=v_loader, min_lr=1e-5, max_lr=1e-1
    return lr_

If you want to visualize the learning rate, you can add the following code:

print(f"suggested learning rate: {res.suggestion()}")
fig = res.plot(show=True, suggest=True)

The result in this example is as follows:


suggested learning rate: 0.003981071705534973.

2. Defining the EarlyStopping Callback

This callback is mainly used to monitor validation loss and stop training when the loss has not improved for several consecutive epochs. This can prevent model overfitting.

early_stop_callback = EarlyStopping(monitor="val_loss", 

The parameter to note here is ‘patience’, which mainly controls when to stop during training if the loss has not improved for several consecutive epochs. We set it to 10.

3. Defining the ModelCheckpoint Callback

This callback is mainly used to control model archiving and the name of the archive. We mainly set these two variables.


The “save_top_k” is used to control saving the top few best models. We set it to 1, only save the best model.

4. Defining the Training Model

We first need to instantiate a Trainer class in lightning.pytorch and add the two callbacks we defined earlier.

trainer = pl.Trainer(

The parameters we need to pay attention to here are ‘max_epochs’ (maximum number of training epochs), ‘gradient_clip_val’ (used to prevent gradient explosion), and “callbacks”. Here ‘max_epochs’ uses ep which is a global variable we will define later, and “callbacks” is our collection of callbacks.

Next, we also need to define the NHiTS model and instantiate it:

net = NHiTS.from_dataset(

Here, the parameters generally do not need to be modified, just use the default ones. Here we only modify “loss” to MQF2DistributionLoss loss function.

5. Training module 

we use the fit() function of the Trainer object to train the model:

Similarly, we encapsulate this part of code into a function  train() :

def train():
    early_stop_callback = EarlyStopping(monitor="val_loss", 
                                        patience=10,  # The number of times without improvement will stop
                                save_top_k=1,  # Save the top few best ones
    trainer = pl.Trainer(
    net = NHiTS.from_dataset(
        # ckpt_path='best'
return trainer

This function will return a trained model that you can use for prediction tasks.

Define the execution logic

1. Defining Global Variables:

max_encoder_length = 2*96
max_prediction_length = 30
batch_size = 128

__train  is used to control whether we are currently training or testing the model.

It’s worth noting that  ep  is used to control the maximum training epoch. Since we have set EarlyStopping, this value can be set a bit larger because the model will automatically stop when it no longer converges.

mt_data_len  is the number of recent time series data obtained from the client.

max_encoder_length  and  max_prediction_length  are respectively the maximum encoding length and maximum prediction length.


We also need to save the current optimal training results to a local file when training is completed, so we define a json file to save this information:


To make our training process clearer, we need to avoid outputting some unnecessary warning information during training, so we will add the following code:


Next is our training logic:

if __train:
    # print(dt)
    # dt=get_data(mt_data_len=mt_data_len)
    # print(best_m_p)
    if os.path.exists(info_file):
        with open(info_file,'r+') as f1:
            if last_best_score > best_m_l:
        with open(info_file,'w') as f2:

When training is completed, you can find the storage location of our best model and the best score in the  results.json  file in the root directory.

During the training process, you will see a progress bar that shows the progress of each epoch. 



Training complete:


3. Validating the Model

After training, we want to validate the model and visualize it. We can add the following code:

best_model = NHiTS.load_from_checkpoint(best_m_p)
predictions = best_model.predict(v_loader, trainer_kwargs=dict(accelerator="cpu",logger=False), return_y=True)
raw_predictions = best_model.predict(v_loader, mode="raw", return_x=True, trainer_kwargs=dict(accelerator="cpu",logger=False))
for idx in range(10):  # plot 10 examples
    best_model.plot_prediction(raw_predictions.x, raw_predictions.output, idx=idx, add_loss_to_title=True)
    # sample 500 paths
samples = best_model.loss.sample(raw_predictions.output["prediction"][[0]], n_samples=500)[0]

# plot prediction
fig = best_model.plot_prediction(raw_predictions.x, raw_predictions.output, idx=0, add_loss_to_title=True)
ax = fig.get_axes()[0]
# plot first two sampled paths
ax.plot(samples[:, 0], color="g", label="Sample 1")
ax.plot(samples[:, 1], color="r", label="Sample 2")

You can also use TensorBoard to view the visualization of the training situation in real time during training, we are not doing a demonstration here.



4. Testing the Trained Model

First, we open the json file to find the optimal model storage location:

with open(info_file) as f:
print('model path is:',best_m_p)

Then load the model:

best_model = NHiTS.load_from_checkpoint(best_m_p)

Then we get data from the client in real time for testing the model:

last_=dt.iloc[-1] #get the last group of data
# print(len(dt))
for i in range(1,max_prediction_length+1):
# dt['time_idx']=dt.apply(lambda x:x.index,args=1)
# dt=get_data(mt_data_len=max_encoder_length)

The result is as follows:


5.  Evaluate the model

Of course, we can use some metrics in the PyTorch Forecasting library to evaluate the performance of the model. Here is how to evaluate using Mean Absolute Error (MAE) and Symmetric Mean Absolute Percentage Error (SMAPE), and output the evaluation results:

from pytorch_forecasting.metrics import MAE, SMAPE
mae = MAE()(raw_predictions["prediction"], raw_predictions["target"])
print(f"Mean Absolute Error: {mae}")
smape = SMAPE()(raw_predictions["prediction"], raw_predictions["target"])
print(f"Symmetric Mean Absolute Percentage Error: {smape}")

In this code snippet, we first import the MAE and SMAPE metrics. Then we use these metrics to calculate the error between the predicted values ( raw_predictions["prediction"] ) and actual values ( raw_predictions["target"] ). These metrics can help us understand the performance of our model and provide direction for further improvement of our model.


In this article we looked at how to use the label data we mentioned in our previous two articles and demonstrate how to create an N-HiTs model using our data. Then we trained the model and verified the model. And we can easily see from the result chart that our results are good. We also demonstrated how to use this model in MT5 to make predictions of 30 candlesticks. Of course, we did not mention how to place orders based on the prediction results, because real trading requires readers to do a lot of testing according to your actual situation and specify the corresponding trading rules.

The end, have a good time!


The Complete code:

# Copyright 2021, MetaQuotes Ltd.

# from typing import Union
import lightning.pytorch as pl
import os
from lightning.pytorch.callbacks import EarlyStopping,ModelCheckpoint
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
# import torch
from pytorch_forecasting import NHiTS, TimeSeriesDataSet
from import NaNLabelEncoder,timeseries
from pytorch_forecasting.metrics import MQF2DistributionLoss
from import TimeSynchronizedBatchSampler
from lightning.pytorch.tuner import Tuner
import MetaTrader5 as mt
import warnings
import json

from import DataLoader
from import Sampler,SequentialSampler

class New_TmSrDt(TimeSeriesDataSet):
    rewrite dataset class
    def to_dataloader(self, train: bool = True, 
                      batch_size: int = 64, 
                      batch_sampler: Sampler | str = None, 
                      **kwargs) -> DataLoader:

        default_kwargs = dict(
            # drop_last=train and len(self) > batch_size,
            drop_last=drop_last, #
        kwargs = default_kwargs
        # print(kwargs['drop_last'])
        if kwargs["batch_sampler"] is not None:
            sampler = kwargs["batch_sampler"]
            if isinstance(sampler, str):
                if sampler == "synchronized":
                    kwargs["batch_sampler"] = TimeSynchronizedBatchSampler(
                    raise ValueError(f"batch_sampler {sampler} unknown - see docstring for valid batch_sampler")
            del kwargs["batch_size"]
            del kwargs["shuffle"]
            del kwargs["drop_last"]

        return DataLoader(self,**kwargs)

def get_data(mt_data_len:int):
    if not mt.initialize():
        print('initialize() failed!') 
        if sb > 0:
        # print(len(rts))
    rts_fm['time']=pd.to_datetime(rts_fm['time'], unit='s') 

    rts_fm['time_idx']= rts_fm.index%(max_encoder_length+2*max_prediction_length) 
    return rts_fm

def spilt_data(data:pd.DataFrame,
    training_cutoff = data["time_idx"].max() - max_prediction_length #max:95
    context_length = max_encoder_length
    prediction_length = max_prediction_length
    training = New_TmSrDt(
        data[lambda x: x.time_idx <= training_cutoff],
        # min_encoder_length=max_encoder_length//2,
        # min_prediction_length=1,

    validation = New_TmSrDt.from_dataset(training, 
                                         min_prediction_idx=training_cutoff + 1)
    train_dataloader = training.to_dataloader(train=True,
    val_dataloader = validation.to_dataloader(train=False, 
    return train_dataloader,val_dataloader,training

def get_learning_rate():
    trainer = pl.Trainer(accelerator="cpu", gradient_clip_val=0.1,logger=False)
    net = NHiTS.from_dataset(
    res = Tuner(trainer).lr_find(
        net, train_dataloaders=t_loader, val_dataloaders=v_loader, min_lr=1e-5, max_lr=1e-1
    # print(f"suggested learning rate: {res.suggestion()}")
    return lr_
def train():
    early_stop_callback = EarlyStopping(monitor="val_loss", 
    trainer = pl.Trainer(
    net = NHiTS.from_dataset(
        # ckpt_path='best'
    return trainer

if __name__=='__main__':
    max_encoder_length = 2*96
    max_prediction_length = 30
    batch_size = 128
    if __train:
        # print(dt)
        # dt=get_data(mt_data_len=mt_data_len)

        # print(best_m_p)
        if os.path.exists(info_file):
            with open(info_file,'r+') as f1:
                if last_best_score > best_m_l:
            with open(info_file,'w') as f2:

        best_model = NHiTS.load_from_checkpoint(best_m_p)
        predictions = best_model.predict(v_loader, trainer_kwargs=dict(accelerator="cpu",logger=False), return_y=True)
        raw_predictions = best_model.predict(v_loader, mode="raw", return_x=True, trainer_kwargs=dict(accelerator="cpu",logger=False))
        for idx in range(10):  # plot 10 examples
            best_model.plot_prediction(raw_predictions.x, raw_predictions.output, idx=idx, add_loss_to_title=True)
        samples = best_model.loss.sample(raw_predictions.output["prediction"][[0]], n_samples=500)[0]

        # plot prediction
        fig = best_model.plot_prediction(raw_predictions.x, raw_predictions.output, idx=0, add_loss_to_title=True)
        ax = fig.get_axes()[0]
        # plot first two sampled paths
        ax.plot(samples[:, 0], color="g", label="Sample 1")
        ax.plot(samples[:, 1], color="r", label="Sample 2")
        with open(info_file) as f:
        print('model path is:',best_m_p)
        best_model = NHiTS.load_from_checkpoint(best_m_p)

        # print(len(dt))
        for i in range(1,max_prediction_length+1):
        # dt['time_idx']=dt.apply(lambda x:x.index,args=1)
        # dt=get_data(mt_data_len=max_encoder_length)
        predictions = best_model.predict(dt, mode='raw',trainer_kwargs=dict(accelerator="cpu",logger=False),return_x=True)

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Dive into the world of ONNX, the powerful open-standard format for exchanging machine learning models. Discover how leveraging ONNX can revolutionize algorithmic trading in MQL5, allowing traders to seamlessly integrate cutting-edge AI models and elevate their strategies to new heights. Uncover the secrets to cross-platform compatibility and learn how to unlock the full potential of ONNX in your MQL5 trading endeavors. Elevate your trading game with this comprehensive guide to Mastering ONNX
Alternative risk return metrics in MQL5 Alternative risk return metrics in MQL5
In this article we present the implementation of several risk return metrics billed as alternatives to the Sharpe ratio and examine hypothetical equity curves to analyze their characteristics.