Forex dealers to stop operating in Russia after the New Year


I think it's worth discussing:

Forex-дилеры прекратят работу в России после Нового года
Forex-дилеры прекратят работу в России после Нового года
С момента вступления в силу закона о рынке Forex прошло больше месяца, однако до сих пор ни одна компания не подала в ЦБ документы на получение лицензии Forex-дилера, сообщили РБК в пресс-службе Банка России. , который вступил в силу 1 октября этого года, все компании, занимающиеся валютными сделками, должны до 1 января получить лицензию...
Alexandr Krivoshey:

I think it's worth discussing:

Oppa Pa - so is it better to wait until the new year to inject capital into these enterprises?
Ruslan Ibragimov:
Oppa Pa - so it's better to wait until the new year to invest in these companies?
I told you where it is better to invest ... :-)
На данный момент еще ни одна Forex-компания не подала в ЦБ документы на получение лицензии.

Just like five years ago, it's bullshit, not to get, but to extend.... their business of course, my broker, for example, has already been burned by it...

Again with the new law.... "will stop" is a strong word, you can see the hand of the PR guy....

At least read to the end of what is written on this link. And then go on to harass me.
Alexandr Krivoshey:

I think it's worth discussing:

Discuss what? Where are they all registered?
Норма закона касается зарегистрированных на территории России Forex-компаний и банков
Name one forex company registered in the Russian Federation.
Name one forex company registered in Russia.
There, and everyone moaned that forex companies are registered somewhere in Cyprus )) Russia is not good for business.
Alexandr Krivoshey:

I think it's worth discussing:

It would be nice if they also published a list of the brokers they have listed.

This is the most pressing issue today, it's the third time I've come across this publication.

Could you read out the whole list, please?
Alexandr Murzin:
Can you read out the whole list, please?
Let's do this tomorrow - everyone gets off their asses and calls their manager. I, for example, will call at least two DCs. It's too late now.