10 Sunday Reads

10 Sunday Reads

12 October 2014, 20:31
Sergey Golubev
• The State of Investment Around the World (Philosophical Economics) see also A Great Ride, but Reality Is Returning (NY Times)
• Corporate U.S. Healthiest in Decades Under Obama on Debt (Bloomberg)
• Should you fear the October stock-market curse? (Marketwatch) see also The thing about big one-day gains (Reformed Broker)
• Is Wall Street Making a Killing off Cities’ Debt?  Urban America can’t seem to break off its codependent relationship with Wall Street, no matter how much it hurts (Next City)
• Forecasting Your Emotions (A Wealth of Common Sense)
• Inside the Koch Brothers’ Toxic Empire: Charles and David Koch control one of the world’s largest fortunes, which they are using to buy up our political system (Rolling Stone)
• What propelled Bill Gross’ fall from grace at Pimco (Fortune)
• Nobel Peace Prize for Malala Yousafzai and Kailash Satyarthi (New Yorker)
• What if You Just Hate Making Dinner? (NY Times)
• The NFL’s Pink October Does Not Raise Money for Cancer Research (Vice) see also As Big Ten Declines, Homegrown Talent Flees (NY Times)

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