Unlocking the Potentials of Trading with OpenAI API: Beyond the Myths and Achievements

Unlocking the Potentials of Trading with OpenAI API: Beyond the Myths and Achievements

9 February 2024, 19:05
VitalDefender Inc.

Find out how OpenAI APIs can revolutionize trading on MQL5, avoiding common scams and making the most of artificial intelligence.

Link to purchase the Library:


Explore how OpenAI APIs can transform MQL5 trading, offering advanced tools for analysis and strategy, away from the pitfalls of false claims.


In the vibrant world of online trading, technological innovation plays a crucial role in defining the boundaries between success and failure. Recently, the introduction of OpenAI APIs into the financial industry has opened up new frontiers, promising to bring artificial intelligence (AI) to the center of trading strategies. However, as with any technological revolution, challenges and misconceptions arise, particularly regarding the effective use of OpenAI capabilities, such as ChatGPT , in trading on platforms such as MQL5.

In the MQL5 store, many vendors mistakenly claim to have integrated ChatGPT into their Expert Advisors, backing these claims with impressive backtests. However, it is essential to underline that, to use ChatGPT in real time, it is necessary to use the W ebRequest() function, which, as explicitly indicated in the documentation   of MQL5, is not available during backtesting. This raises questions about the veracity of such claims and suggests that the use of AI may be limited or different than advertised.

Many of these systems rely on inadequate solutions , such as processing API calls via external servers, or focus exclusively on news sentiment analysis, often using GPT APIs for tasks that could be performed more effectively through modeling. embeddings ( https://platform.openai.com/docs/guides/embeddings/what-are-embeddings ). This approach, in addition to not fully exploiting the potential of AI, can lead to ineffective and, in some cases, deceptive solutions.

In this context, it is essential to recognize the true potential of OpenAI's APIs for trading . These not only offer advanced tools for data analysis, but also open the door to innovations such as automatic strategy generation via AutoGPT and advanced analysis via Computer Vision ( https://platform.openai.com/docs/guides/ vision ) and Embeddings models .

The direct integration of OpenAI APIs on MQL5, supported by my library that facilitates the creation of threads and conversations with persistent memory, represents a significant step forward towards the adoption of true artificial intelligence solutions in trading.

Through the intelligent use of OpenAI's APIs, traders can not only improve the accuracy of their analyzes but also automate complex decision-making processes , transforming trading from an activity based on intuition and reaction to one driven by deep insights and predictive analysis. My library for MQL5 is designed to take advantage of these capabilities, offering a direct and powerful solution for integrating AI into trading .

This blog will explore further how OpenAI APIs can be used effectively in trading, highlighting common pitfalls and highlighting the real opportunities offered by AI. Together we will discover how to navigate the landscape of AI trading solutions, avoiding the pitfalls and making the most of cutting-edge technologies to gain a competitive advantage in the market.

Esplorando ulteriormente le possibilità offerte dalle tecnologie di OpenAI nel contesto del trading finanziario, ci imbattiamo in una serie di funzionalità avanzate che possono trasformare radicalmente il modo in cui gli algoritmi di trading operano e prendono decisioni. Un elemento chiave in questo processo innovativo è l'utilizzo dei thread e della memoria persistente in combinazione con modelli avanzati come GPT-4 , che dispongono di una context-window estremamente ampia, capace di gestire fino a 128.000 token . Questa capacità consente un'analisi dettagliata e complessa, fornendo una base solida per l'impiego di AutoGPT nel trading.

The Potential of AutoGPT and Retrieval

AutoGPT represents a milestone in the use of artificial intelligence for trading, thanks to its ability to autonomously generate flows of reasoning and make decisions based on a broad context of information . This functionality is based on the principle of retrieval , i.e. the ability to search, retrieve and use relevant information from a vast database of knowledge. In practice, AutoGPT can analyze historical data, market trends, financial news and other relevant inputs to formulate consistent, evidence-based trading strategies .

By integrating threads and persistent memory, we can overcome one of the traditional limitations of AI models: context continuity. This technology allows conversations and artificial thought flows to be kept active even after the trading platform, such as MetaTrader, has been closed and reopened. This means that the system can continue where it left off, preserving the consistency and accuracy of analyzes and decisions.

Revolutionize Trading with GPT-Vision

A particularly promising evolution in the field of artificial intelligence applied to trading is represented by the integration of GPT-Vision , a technology that takes advantage of OpenAI's advanced Computer Vision capabilities. This approach opens up unexplored scenarios, allowing traders and developers to overcome the limitations of traditional models based exclusively on textual or numerical data.

Using GPT-Vision in trading allows you to effectively and innovatively analyze screenshots of trading charts, candlestick patterns, and other visual elements that are critical to understanding market dynamics . This means that, in addition to analyzing historical data and market news, we can now visually interpret price movements and chart signals, integrating this information into automated decision-making.

Potential and Applications

GPT-Vision can transform the way trading strategies are generated, offering the ability to recognize complex patterns that would escape traditional analysis. For example, the technology can be trained to identify specific candlestick patterns , unusual volume changes, or even detect trend initiation signals based on pure visual chart analysis.

Furthermore, the integration of GPT-Vision into my MQL5 library will allow traders to automate the evaluation of trading signals based on visual criteria, making the process faster, more accurate and less subject to human interpretation errors. This represents a qualitative leap in trading automation, where not only numerical and textual data, but also visual data become valuable sources of insight and decision making.

Challenges and Prospects

While enthusiasm for these technologies is high, it is important to also recognize the challenges associated with integrating GPT-Vision into trading. The accuracy of visual analytics must be meticulously validated , and algorithms must be constantly updated to adapt to changing market conditions. Furthermore, effectively managing and interpreting visual data requires significant computing power and optimized algorithms to ensure that analysis can be performed in real time without delays that could compromise trading opportunities.

Despite these challenges, the use of GPT-Vision in the context of trading represents a technological breakthrough with enormous potential. As the technology evolves and becomes more accessible, we can expect to see more and more innovative applications that leverage computer vision to provide traders with unique competitive advantages. My Library for MQL5 is committed to staying at the forefront of this development, offering users powerful tools to explore new dimensions in automated trading. For this reason the real potential is that if OpenAI decides to develop a new model, you will be able to use it, always with the same library.

In conclusion, the integration of Computer Vision capabilities via GPT-Vision into automated trading marks the beginning of a new era . This technology not only broadens the possibilities for analysis and strategy but also opens the door to a deeper and more multidimensional understanding of financial markets. Adopting such innovations is critical to maintaining a competitive advantage in an increasingly technologically advanced trading environment.

Current Library Features and Limitations

At the moment, the current version of my library for MQL5 does not include the ability to use OpenAI's Assistants or Embeddings templates, mainly due to ongoing updates to the OpenAI APIs. However, it is important to note that Assistants cost significantly more than standard use of GPT, although they offer notable benefits, such as creating threads with specific roles . My library integrates this capability directly, allowing you to take advantage of the low cost of GPT's API while maintaining the potential offered by Assistants. As the OpenAI API stabilizes, I plan to add these advanced features to further enrich the library.

Despite these temporary limitations, the opportunities offered by integrating OpenAI APIs into trading are immense. The use of advanced models like GPT-4, in combination with specific functions that can be selected based on the needs of the moment, opens up new horizons for automated trading and financial analysis. For more information on the available models, you can visit the OpenAI website: OpenAI Models .

Conclusions and Future Perspectives

In conclusion, the true power of AI in trading lies not just in automating tasks or analyzing static data, but in the ability to adapt , learn, and make informed decisions in real time . My library for MQL5 is only at the beginning of its journey towards fully exploiting the potential offered by the OpenAI API. With the upcoming integration of advanced features such as Assistants and Embeddings templates, we are moving closer to a future where automated trading is not only more efficient, but also significantly smarter.

Attraverso l'innovazione continua e l'adozione di soluzioni basate su intelligenza artificiale di alto livello, possiamo aspirare a superare le sfide attuali del trading, evitando le trappole di soluzioni inefficaci e ingannevoli, e muovendoci verso un orizzonte di possibilità illimitate. La strada da percorrere è ancora lunga, ma le fondamenta sono state poste per una rivoluzione nel trading che promette di essere tanto profonda quanto trasformativa.

This article serves as an introduction to the potential of using the OpenAI API through the use of my library, which you can find on the MQL5 store, however if you have purchased the library and need a tutorial for its use you can read the article at the following URL:


I leave you the link to an EA, which you can download and allows you to use chatgpt 3.5 with my API-KEYs ( until March 1, 2024 or money runs out) or with your API-KEYs forever:


IMPORTANT: To use the EA you must add the following URL to allow you to access the OpenAI API: https://api.openai.com/

Thank you for reading this blog, if there are any bugs, I ask you to help me by contributing and sending me privately the bugs you find, so that I can improve the library more and more.