Paul Singer - investor and billionaire is bracing for “all hell to break loose” in the stock market.

Paul Singer - investor and billionaire is bracing for “all hell to break loose” in the stock market.

30 May 2017, 09:57
Aleksei Kotlovanov
Market Watch informs that Paul Singer the head of Elliott Management is preparing to the collapse on the financial markets and saves billions against the rainy day. 

The stock market keeps slowly growing, the volatility is the reaction to public disasters around Trump and suspicion that his administration is working with Russians. But the sceptics still think that the collapse is unavoidable. They believe that the markets will start falling after it is understood that Trump is not able to keep his promises. 

Paul Singer is one of those who is afraid of this scenario. He believes that the economic slowdown is coming up and Fed will not be able to save it as in ‎2008-2009.

What is your opinion, my friends?