Video Manual: Trading News Events - DURABLE GOODS

Video Manual: Trading News Events - DURABLE GOODS

23 June 2015, 09:11
Sergey Golubev

Durable Goods Orders (DGO) is an indicator of orders placed for relatively long lasting goods. Durable goods are expected to last more than three years, e.g.: cars, furniture, appliances, etc.

Durable goods are manufactured goods that have a normal life expectancy of more than 3 years, including things like cars, appliances, business equipment and machinery, computers, and furniture. Basically, it is everything that is not a consumable. The advanced report on Durable Goods is used to gauge the condition of the manufacturing sector, as well as the overall health of the economy.

This indicator is important for the market because it gives an idea of the consumers' confidence in the current economic situation. Since durable goods are expensive, the increase in the number of orders for them shows the willingness of consumers to spend their money on them. Thus, the growth of this indicator is a positive factor for economic development and leads to growth of the national currency.

  • Release Frequency: monthly.
  • Release Schedule: 08:30 EST, the fourth week.
  • Source: U.S. Census Bureau of the Department of Commerce.


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