10 Today's Reads

10 Today's Reads

3 October 2014, 21:11
Mike Dennis
  • Job Woes Linger in 29 States as U.S. Recovers Unevenly (Bloomberg) see also Jobs, Outliers and Elections (Statistical Ideas)
  • A NYC Wealth Management Firm Created a Super Cheap Way for Young People to Get Professional Investment Help (Business Insider)
  • Six things investors need to know about October (USA Today) see also And the Rest of the Year (TRB)
  • Detailing Financial Links of Doctors and Drug Makers (NY Times)
  • The Psychology Behind Costco’s Free Samples (The Atlantic)
  • D.C. Mystery: Jeff Bezos’ Plan for the Washington Post (Politico)
  • Why People Believe Things You Don’t Believe (boingboing)
  • The Greatest Job Perk You’ve Never Heard of: “Pre-cation” (Slate)
  • Forget Ebola. That’s Not the Virus That Should Terrify Americans (Quartz)
  • Einstein’s “Time Dilation” Prediction Verified (SciAm)

What are you reading?