10 Weekend Reads

10 Weekend Reads

7 December 2014, 09:11
  • Tech Stocks: Sizing Up the New Bubble (Barron’s)
  • Inside Elon Musk’s $1.4 billion score (Fortune)
  • Fade to Black: Bill Gross Ends an Era (Chief Investment Officer) see also Fall of the Bond King: How Gross Lost Empire as Pimco Cracked (Bloomberg)
  • Everybody wants to rule the world: Online businesses can grow very large very fast. Does it also make them unusual threats to competition? (The Economist)
  • Diving with sharks and the joy of fear (Aeon)
  • The Quiet German: The Astonishing Rise of Angela Merkel,The Most Powerful Woman in the World (New Yorker) see also Putin: How He and His Cronies Stole Russia (NYRB)
  • How do you sell God in the 21st century? More heaven, less hell (The Guardian)
  • Polar Bear Man (Vice)
  • How dozens of failing for-profit schools found an unlikely savior: a debt collector (Washington Post)
  • Inside Monopoly’s secret war against the Third Reich (EuroGamer)

 what are you reading?