Interview with Josh McCleary About Diversifying into Gold and Silver for Mint

Interview with Josh McCleary About Diversifying into Gold and Silver for Mint

5 December 2014, 15:11
Josh McCleary, co-founder of, took some time to talk with us about how to diversify into physical gold and silver, and the benefits of doing so.

Why should people choose gold or silver as opposed to other investment options?
Gold and silver have served as a store of value for thousands of years. Throughout history, wise investors have held them as part of a diversified strategy.

As life becomes increasingly digital, having tangible assets that you can hold in your hand provides peace of mind. They also occupy a unique space in a portfolio as insurance against uncertainty. Precious metals truly round out a well-thought-out investment plan. And with the technology available today, the world can easily be connected to these assets like never before.

Some people are interested in investing in gold or silver, but just don't know how to go about it. How easy is it to do? What basic advice can you share on how to get started?
People must understand that there is a big difference between the "paper" products or stocks that can mimic the price of the metals, and true ownership of physical metals. Physical ownership is essential in an age where digital assets can disappear. While there are hundreds of places to purchase physical gold and silver, most require a significant investment of time. These include traveling to coin shops or purchasing from a trusted dealer. These options usually expose the customer to a significant gap between the price they pay for the metal, and what the dealer will pay them for the same metal tomorrow. Will it be the same when you want to sell? Individuals need to do their homework. We have used technology to close that gap, and to make acquiring precious metals easier.

If I invest, would I own actual gold or silver?

Every time a savings schedule or one-time transaction initiates a purchase, you immediately gain full legal ownership of physical metal at that day's price. It is titled in your name and insured 100% by a policy with Lloyd's of London. At any time, small quantities (20 troy ounces of silver or 1/2 troy ounce of gold) can be delivered directly to your home. About half of our clients take delivery and the other half accumulate at the depository. You can do either.

Can investors liquidate their gold or silver at any time?
Yes. The funds are deposited in their bank account within one to three business days. Many of our clients take delivery of a portion of their metal and leave the majority in their account to take advantage of how easy it is to liquidate their stored holdings. Liquidating metal that has been delivered is possible as well. It just requires some additional steps.