Neil Cave
Neil Cave

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Neil Cave
Added topic What is it!!
public class Q4 { //====================================================    public static int a( int b, int c) //<--  what happens here???    {        int x= 0 ;
Neil Cave
Added topic I have no hair left :(
I need help so bad, i know your not slaves but please help me i have been pulling my hair out over this thing and i know its something little and i have to be shown it or hinted at least. i have watched youtube tutorials, read my text and still no
Neil Cave
Added topic Count closed trades/completed trades; if (300) {closealltrades} need help
Hi everyone, just wondering if it is possible to include in an EA the following. I would like my EA to count closed/completed orders after every close/takeprofit/. and if the closed orders value reaches a certain number, any number defined by user ie