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Added topic Trend lines
To determine support and resistance levels that correspond to the trend lines you’ve drawn, you simply need to place the cursor of your charting system on the trend line at the current time period. your charting system should display the price value
Added topic Highs and lows
After trend lines, markets tend to place the greatest amount of emphasis on period highs and lows as points of support and resistance. You can pinpoint support or resistance levels from highs and lows by simply noting the price high or low, but give
Added topic Pivot Points - Online currency trading
Pivot points are used by traders as a predictive indicator and denote levels of technical significance. When used in conjunction with other technical indicators such as support and resistance or Fibonacci, pivot points can be an effective trading
Added topic Trading on the Fundamentals
Understanding the fundamental drivers of currency rates is the foundation of grasping price movements. Here are some suggestions: Get to know the major economic data reports from all the major economies. Understand the importance of expectations
Added topic Forex Market – Trading on the news / market event
When it comes to reacting to data reports and market events, the forex market typically displays two responses. The first reaction is a short-term, knee-jerk price response to the data report or news itself, which is where most of the intraday
Added topic Gold Versus Dollar
Gold Versus the DXY Similar to 2005 when both instruments rallied together. Re-monetization of gold in effect while risk aversion theme drive. Gold is not just in a long-term uptrend in USD terms. Recent breakouts have been registered in USD, EUR
Added topic Tools of The Trade - Preparing to Trade
To trade Forex successfully you will need the basics: A reliable, reasonably fast computer, preferably with high speed access to the internet (DSL or Cable Modem for example). An Internet dial-up account or the telephone becomes your back-up should