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Added topic Code snippet to calculate profit in MQL5 using OnTradeTransaction callback
Apologies for inappropriate formatting. If I attempt to format the code in code block, a big block shows up. If use HTML button on RHS, entire typed text disappears... First of all, we need a global variable to hold the profit's calculation. 
Added topic Need to understand Difference MQL4 vs MQL5 iCustom function
MQL4 vs MQL5 iCustom function Above image is from MQL4 documenation and lower is from MQL5. mode and shift  parameter in MQL4 are missing but important. They are absent even in IndicatorCreate so I am confused as to how to handle supplying of
Added topic OnTradeTransaction consitently getting called invoked with incorrect values in
/// Following code always line with message "Filled Long " even when order sell is filled. void OnTradeTransaction ( const MqlTradeTransaction &trans,          const MqlTradeRequest &request
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