Why does TerminalInfoString(TERMINAL_CPU_ARCHITECTURE) return nothing?


Is this a bug? I have a ryzen 7950x so I believe it should say avx512.

 Print("Architecture: "+TerminalInfoString(TERMINAL_CPU_ARCHITECTURE)); //Prints "Architecture: "

Also maybe another bug:

(vectorf vec(10))  vec = 2/vec; compiles
(matrixf mat(1,10)) mat= 2+mat; compiles
(matrixf mat(1,10)) mat= 2*mat; compiles
(matrixf mat(1,10)) mat= mat/2; compiles
(matrixf mat(1,10)) mat= 2/mat; doesn't compile: fatal compiler error: code generation failed
tanner gillilandIs this a bug? I have a ryzen 7950x so I believe it should say avx512. [ . . . ]

Normal here...

   Print("Architecture: ", TerminalInfoString(TERMINAL_CPU_ARCHITECTURE));

Vinicius Pereira De Oliveira #:

Normal here...

Thank you for testing. I assume you have a 7950x? Or were you testing it with a different cpu.

I tested it with a EA attached to a live chart and it worked just fine "Architecture: AVX512 + FMA3". I guess it just doesn't return anything in the strategy tester.