Metatrader 5 - Impossible to connect to MQL5 Community


Hi, from yesterday i'm not able to connect to MQL5 Community from Metatrader5 Terminal for Windows. I receive the message "Authorization failed". I'm using the same account and password i use to login from Edge. I'm not using VPS. I tried to reset the password but anything change. How can i solve? Thanks

I'm using the same account and password i use to login from Edge

Login to this forum and login to Community tab of Metatrader may be same, and may not be same ...
Because it is additional requirement to login to Community tab compare to login to this forum on webpage (from Edge) for example.


1. Your login is lokopazzo (not Lokopazzo) because the link to your profile is

2. Do not use email for login.

3. Community tab to login is located here:

This is not Community tab (do not use it to login):

4. Once again: email is not login -

5. About error 403 (it is mainly related to your Windows, to your anti-virus or firewall, and more) - read this summaru blog post:

You can estimate about this error's reason (reason of error 403) by yourself because you only know your computer, your anti-virus, and more and more.