FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 17: July 2012) - page 270

who are those spiders?

They must be exotic fish to go fishing ))))
Put Komarova in a cradle and it will pass)))) It's raining in Tyumen now... thunder rumbling...
You just have to sacrifice Komarova to the rain god=)

It must be an exotic fish to go fishing ))))
it's not a fish, it's an appetizer!
Put Komarova in a cradle and it will pass)))) It's raining in Tyumen now... thunder rumbling...
You just have to sacrifice Komarova to the rain god=)
It's about time.
and in Krasnoyarsk the weather is sexy-)
It's all gone quiet... And why did the robot decide to buy...
It's all gone quiet... And why did the robot decide to buy...

give me a robot-)

give me the robot-)
and the magic word?

Our fishing beauties. The Ili River.

Wow .... It's beautiful... Don't waste your breath mate ... you still have a weekend to live...
Where did Gina go? On holiday too, she's not among us))