The best NEW ideas are well forgotten OLD ones !!!! Super money management - will it pull out any unstable trading system? - page 8

You can forget about the locks, they don't exist, it's a fiction of brokerage companies and in particular the developers of MT4. In MT5 there is no such thing, as in fact on the stock exchanges (and not in the kitchens as everyone is used to). If you buy and sell, you're at zero without any deduction for the commission. How can you buy a kilo of potatoes from someone else and then sell it to someone else and be formally considered as "in the market". Building systems on the stock is self-deception, an opportunity for the beginner to exhale and calm his emotions [and at the same time deduct another unit of margin from his account. We still remember about margin, right?]
.... How can you buy a kilo of potatoes from someone and then sell them to someone else....
You can. You're not selling potatoes, you're selling a promise
You can't. The promise is bought and sold. The balance is zero. And this is pseudo-philosophizing. I think the nature of the phenomenon is already clear.