Spammers, private message spam, discussion spam, feedback spam


Post evidence (in the form of a screenshot) of spam messages here.

P.S. Please, only real acts, no flooding.


  1. Insert a clickable link to the spammer's profile
  2. Insert a screenshot of the correspondence with the spammer. In a screenshot there should be YOUR login and the login of the spammer.

How to find the spammer who created the chat:

Step 1 Step 2

Post evidence (in the form of a screenshot) of spam messages here.
what is spam?
what is spam?
Unwanted advertising messages in private messages, feeds, discussions, reviews.
Спам — Википедия
Спам (англ.  ) — рассылка коммерческой и иной рекламы или иных видов сообщений лицам, не выражавшим желания их получать.[1] После Второй мировой войны остались огромные запасы этих консервов, изготовленные для снабжения во время войны не только американских солдат, но и солдат союзников по программе ленд-лиза. Для того, чтобы сбыть свою...
Unwanted advertising messages in personal messages, feeds, discussions, reviews.

strange thread -- is it now that all advertising posts in all threads (which are banned by forum rules) -- will be put here as screenshots?


strange thread -- is it now that all advertising posts on all threads (which are banned by forum rules) -- will be put here as screenshots?

There are already complaints against individual users for spamming (advertising) in personal messages and/or discussions. It is now possible to complain about spammers in this thread for a quicker response.

We just need moderators to respond to the "complaint" button. Otherwise, I've clicked it in product discussions (a long time ago) and there's no reaction. The authors are banned, but the posts are still there.

Well, and add a "complaint" to the personal account, so you don't have to find a moderator and compose a text.


Already now there are complaints against individual users for spam(advertising) in personal messages and/or discussions. It is now possible to complain about the spammer in this thread for a quicker response.

all publicity posts all over the forum -- will they now be concentrated in this one thread?

the "Complaint" button doesn't work now?

why would a post in this thread get a faster response time than the "Complaint" button?

and what will happen to ads on the forum? -- in threads to be deleted and transferred here as screenshots?

The "complain about spam, advertising" button in private messages has long been requested