Many CPUs will become up to 17% - 23% slower as of next weekend..


Well it sounds horrible for those who want to test, who want to provide their PC for others to test and who have VPS!

"The Register" writes about:

"'Kernel memory leaking' Intel processor design flaw forces Linux, Windows redesign
Other OSes will need an update, performance hits loom

The problem is a "flaw in the Intel x86-64 hardware, and it appears a microcode update can't address it."

It seems that developers of Windows and Linux are about to provide a fix which slows down the CPU up to 17%-23% around Jan 10.!

So it might be quite interesting if some perform a personally standardized (back)test now or before and after the upcoming update and post the comparison of the performance here incl. the CPU they have.

Unfortunately there is no list of the CPUs that are problematic just x86-64.

'Kernel memory leaking' Intel processor design flaw forces Linux, Windows redesign
'Kernel memory leaking' Intel processor design flaw forces Linux, Windows redesign
A fundamental design flaw in Intel's processor chips has forced a significant redesign of the Linux and Windows kernels to defang the chip-level security bug. Programmers are scrambling to overhaul the open-source Linux kernel's virtual memory system. Meanwhile, Microsoft is expected to publicly introduce the necessary changes to its Windows...

Can I not apply this patch? I'm careful with what I download and execute.


Windows will provide just one of its regular updates next Tuesday, Jan 10. You have to disable (if it is possible) the automatic procedure. On Win 7 one can do that on Win 10 home I have heard not.

The name of this update is not known yet..


Its not a matters :)


One might try to start a powershell prompt and enter:

gwmi win32_processor | select *

My (older) CPU shows this which has no CPUID - this seams to be the problem:

__GENUS                     : 2
__CLASS                     : Win32_Processor
__SUPERCLASS                : CIM_Processor
__DYNASTY                   : CIM_ManagedSystemElement
__RELPATH                   : Win32_Processor.DeviceID="CPU0"
__PROPERTY_COUNT            : 48
__DERIVATION                : {CIM_Processor, CIM_LogicalDevice, CIM_LogicalElement, CIM_ManagedSystemElement}
__SERVER                    : MYMSI
__NAMESPACE                 : root\cimv2
__PATH                      : \\MYMSI\root\cimv2:Win32_Processor.DeviceID="CPU0"
AddressWidth                : 64
Architecture                : 9
Availability                : 3
Caption                     : Intel64 Family 6 Model 23 Stepping 10
ConfigManagerErrorCode      :
ConfigManagerUserConfig     :
CpuStatus                   : 1
CreationClassName           : Win32_Processor
CurrentClockSpeed           : 2534
CurrentVoltage              : 11
DataWidth                   : 64
Description                 : Intel64 Family 6 Model 23 Stepping 10
DeviceID                    : CPU0
ErrorCleared                :
ErrorDescription            :
ExtClock                    : 267
Family                      : 193
InstallDate                 :
L2CacheSize                 : 12288
L2CacheSpeed                :
L3CacheSize                 : 0
L3CacheSpeed                : 0
LastErrorCode               :
Level                       : 6
LoadPercentage              : 8
Manufacturer                : GenuineIntel
MaxClockSpeed               : 2534
Name                        : Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Extreme CPU Q9300  @ 2.53GHz
NumberOfCores               : 4
NumberOfLogicalProcessors   : 4
OtherFamilyDescription      :
PNPDeviceID                 :
PowerManagementCapabilities :
PowerManagementSupported    : False
ProcessorId                 : BFEBFBFF0001067A
ProcessorType               : 3
Revision                    : 5898
Role                        : CPU
SocketDesignation           : CPU 1
Status                      : OK
StatusInfo                  : 3
Stepping                    :
SystemCreationClassName     : Win32_ComputerSystem
SystemName                  : MYMSI
UniqueId                    :
UpgradeMethod               : 15
Version                     :
VoltageCaps                 :
Scope                       : System.Management.ManagementScope
Path                        : \\MYMSI\root\cimv2:Win32_Processor.DeviceID="CPU0"
Options                     : System.Management.ObjectGetOptions
ClassPath                   : \\MYMSI\root\cimv2:Win32_Processor
Properties                  : {AddressWidth, Architecture, Availability, Caption...}
SystemProperties            : {__GENUS, __CLASS, __SUPERCLASS, __DYNASTY...}
Qualifiers                  : {dynamic, Locale, provider, UUID}
Site                        :
Container                   :

I would be interested in the results of newer CPUs.

On Linux one could enter this on the console: cat /proc/cpuinfo

Carl Schreiber:

One might try to start a powershell prompt and enter:

My (older) CPU shows this which has no CPUID - this seams to be the problem:

I would be interested in the results of newer CPUs.

On Linux one could enter this on the console: cat /proc/cpuinfo

Forgive my ignorance on this subject, namely the Intel CPU flaw, but what is the purpose of running the powershell script and why is "CPUID" relevant?
Fernando Carreiro:
Forgive my ignorance on this subject, namely the Intel CPU flaw, but what is the purpose of running the powershell script and why is "CPUID" relevant?

I took that from a German discussion forum about that flaw, there one said that cpu with that have that flaw.

Anyway here one will do some performance tests and those who are interested can download a test program for their own test (free for 30 days).

1) all Intel CPUs of the last 10 years are currently affected. If PCID is supported, the speed loss is lower.

2) As of January 2011, the standard Intel feature flags are as follows:

3) You need Haswell or newer (i. e. from Core ix 4xxx):
     The PCID feature (from Sandybridge) alone is not enough, quote:
"PCIDs are generally available on Sandybridge and newer CPUs. However,
the accompanying INVPCID instruction did not become available until
Haswell (the ones with "v4", or called fourth-generation Core). This
instruction allows non-current-PCID TLB entries to be flushed without
switching CR3 and global pages to be flushed without a double
Without INVPCID, PCIDs are much harder to use.
So, for now, fully disable PCIDs with KAISER when INVPCID is not
available. This is fixable, but it's an optimization that can be
performed later."

4) The Linux-patch seems to make no difference, it matches all x86:

- /* Assume for now that ALL x86 CPUs are insecure */ 
- setup_force_cpu_bug(X86_BUG_CPU_INSECURE); 
+ if (c->x86_vendor != X86_VENDOR_AMD) 
+ setup_force_cpu_bug(X86_BUG_CPU_INSECURE); fpu__init_system(c);
New Tests due to the Kernel-Memory-Problem of Intel? - PassMark Support Forums
  • 2018.01.03
  • Gooly Newbie Join Date: Jan 2018 Posts: 1
Will you provide new performance tests due to the kernel-problem described here: (Sorry I don't not yet how urls are pasted here). It seems that some cpu can loose up to 37% of their performance due to the fix coming next week!
Carl Schreiber:

I took that from a German discussion form about that flaw, there one said that cpu with that have that flaw.

Anyway here one will do some performance tests and those who are interested can download a test program for their own test (free for 30 days).

1) all Intel CPUs of the last 10 years are currently affected. If PCID is supported, the speed loss is lower.

2) As of January 2011, the standard Intel feature flags are as follows:

3) You need Haswell or newer (i. e. from Core ix 4xxx):
     The PCID feature (from Sandybridge) alone is not enough, quote:
"PCIDs are generally available on Sandybridge and newer CPUs. However,
the accompanying INVPCID instruction did not become available until
Haswell (the ones with "v4", or called fourth-generation Core). This
instruction allows non-current-PCID TLB entries to be flushed without
switching CR3 and global pages to be flushed without a double
Without INVPCID, PCIDs are much harder to use.
So, for now, fully disable PCIDs with KAISER when INVPCID is not
available. This is fixable, but it's an optimization that can be
performed later."

4) The Linux-patch seems to make no difference, it matches all x86:

Thanks for the info!

Some new findings:

Now Google has published the details (and also AMD is affected)

The Executive Summary

One. There are two attacks, Meltdown and Spectre.
2. Meltdown only affects Intel, KPTI helps against it.
Spectre concerns everyone, it's still unclear what helps.
4. research is far from over.
5. so far Intel, especially Haswell, has been the focus.
For successful attacks you have to find out details of the hardware's functionality.

Meltdown is Intel-specific.

It is the "simple" attack, and only against that KAISER/KPTI helps. AMD is not affected by this. But every Intel CPU since Pentium Pro, with the exception of the first In-Order atoms.

Spectre also affects ARM and AMD and potentially even more (POWER was mentioned). As already suspected, it is based on

KPTI does not help against this. You can access any memory of other processes or the kernel. It is a universal "Heartbleed", and even works with Javascript.
A combination of microcode updates and new compiler options is under discussion. Yes, you have to recompile everything, so a lot of software will be affected until you have new CPUs.

So far only ARM speaks plain text (although "The majority of arm processors are not impacted" is nonsense from the end user's point of view - almost all Android devices should be affected):

Edit: some links...


Recent reports that these exploits are caused by a “bug” or a “flaw” and are unique to Intel products are incorrect. Based on the analysis to date, many types of computing devices — with many different vendors’ processors and operating systems — are susceptible to these exploits.

Intel is committed to product and customer security and is working closely with many other technology companies, including AMD, ARM Holdings and several operating system vendors, to develop an industry-wide approach to resolve this issue promptly and constructively.

A good description seems to be here.

Probably the name of the patches:


Win10(is already distributed):

Win7 and 8 will get the patch only next Tuesday.

There are 2 gaps and one of them concerns all processors:

The link to the paper:

The second gap is much worse because it affects all modern processors and probably can only be fixed by exploit on the software side. Everyone can imagine it for cloud data. This is the safety engineering "Super-GAU" (GAU = maximum likely accident).

Good night and good luck

Negative Result: Reading Kernel Memory From User Mode
Negative Result: Reading Kernel Memory From User Mode
  • 2017.07.28
  • Anders Fogh
I were going to write an introduction about how important negative results can be. I didn’t. I assume you can figure out for yourself why that is and if not you got all the more reason to read this blog post. If you think it’s trivial why my result is negative, you definitely need to read the blog post. The memory subsystem I think most...

Just imagine many high speed trading server would become 30% slower...

The link to Win 10 update.