Meta4 log files too big!!!


hi guys

i am testing some EAs on meta, and i came home from work, and i saw my harddrive almost full, then i saw that the log file in meta is taking alot of space, is there a way to disable it or is there a script designed to delete it???

cuz i was running 4 meta platforms, and then my harddrive got full and the EA stopped working

any ideas on how to resolve this??


hi guys

i am testing some EAs on meta, and i came home from work, and i saw my harddrive almost full, then i saw that the log file in meta is taking alot of space, is there a way to disable it or is there a script designed to delete it???

cuz i was running 4 meta platforms, and then my harddrive got full and the EA stopped working

any ideas on how to resolve this??


the best solution is upgrading your hard disk capacity or u keep delete old log files inside the folder

Create a script to delete MT4 / MT5 log files(builds 670 and 965 respectively current)

See here # post 5


In my environment, the debug logs of applications under development create huge log files, so I am using a purging script as well, if anyone is interested.

Here is the main code snippet:



#property show_inputs

input bool applogs = true; // Delete application logs

input bool expertlogs = true; // Delete expert logs

input bool debuglogs = true; // Delete debug logs

input bool tmpfiles = true; // Delete *.tmp in files

void main() {

manager.add(new DeleteLogs());


class DeleteLogs : public MT4Script {


DeleteLogs() {}

void onStart() {

if (expertlogs) deleteFolderContent("MQL4\\logs", "*.log");

if (expertlogs) deleteFolderContent("tester\\logs", "*.log");

if (applogs) deleteFolderContent("logs", "*.log");

if (debuglogs) deleteFolderContent("MQL4\\files\\LOGS", "*.log");

if (debuglogs) deleteFolderContent("tester\\files\\LOGS", "*.log");

if (tmpfiles) deleteFolderContent("MQL4\\files", "*.tmp");

if (tmpfiles) deleteFolderContent("tester\\files", "*.tmp");


void deleteFolderContent(const string folder, const string wildcard="*") {

MT4String searchPattern("\\\\?\\");

searchPattern + TerminalInfoString(TERMINAL_DATA_PATH) + "\\" + folder + "\\" + wildcard;

WIN32_FIND_DATA foundFileData;

string searchString = searchPattern.toString();

int searchHandle = FindFirstFileW(searchString, foundFileData);

bool found = (searchHandle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE);

while(found) {

string name = ShortArrayToString(foundFileData.cFileName);

if ((foundFileData.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY) == 0

&& (foundFileData.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) == 0

) {

MT4String file("\\\\?\\");

string filename = (file + TerminalInfoString(TERMINAL_DATA_PATH) + "\\" + folder + "\\" + name).toString();

Print("Deleting " + folder + "\\" + name);



found = FindNextFileW(searchHandle, foundFileData);





deletelogs.ex4  17 kb