Returns the GMT, which is calculated taking into account the DST switch by the local time on the computer where the client terminal is running. There are 2 variants of the function.

Call without parameters

datetime  TimeGMT();

Call with MqlDateTime type parameter

datetime  TimeGMT(
   MqlDateTime&  dt_struct      // Variable of structure type



[out]  Variable of structure type MqlDateTime.

Return Value

Value of datetime type


If the MqlDateTime structure type variable has been passed as a parameter, it is filled accordingly.

To arrange high-resolution counters and timers, use the GetTickCount() function, which produces values in milliseconds.

During testing in the strategy tester, TimeGMT() is always equal to TimeTradeServer() simulated server time.


void OnStart()
//--- declare the MqlDateTime variable to be filled with date/time data and get the PC local time and GMT
   MqlDateTime tm={};
   datetime    time1=TimeLocal();            // first form of call: PC local time
   datetime    time2=TimeGMT(tm);            // second form of call: GMT calculated from the PC local time with filling the MqlDateTime structure
   int         shift=int(time1-time2)/3600;  // local time offset relative to GMT
//--- display local time and GMT with the data of the filled MqlDateTime structure in the log
   PrintFormat("Time Local: %s\nTime GMT: %s\n- Year: %u\n- Month: %02u\n- Day: %02u\n"+
               "- Hour: %02u\n- Min: %02u\n- Sec: %02u\n- Day of Year: %03u\n- Day of Week: %u (%s)\nLocal time offset relative to GMT: %+d",
               (string)time1, (string)time2tm.yeartm.montm.daytm.hourtm.mintm.sectm.day_of_yeartm.day_of_week,
               EnumToString((ENUM_DAY_OF_WEEK)tm.day_of_week), shift);
   Time Local2024.04.18 19:37:23
   Time GMT2024.04.18 12:37:23
   - Year2024
   - Month04
   - Day18
   - Hour12
   - Min37
   - Sec23
   - Day of Year108
   - Day of Week4 (THURSDAY)
   Local time offset relative to GMT: +7