G7 leaders: End-June is last possible deadline for Greece

G7 leaders: End-June is last possible deadline for Greece

8 June 2015, 17:07

“Everyone around the table wants Greece to say in the euro….but we have rules,” said German Chancellor Angela Merkel during the G7 Summit, noting earlier that every day counts in the race to finalise a deal with Greece.

Merkel referred to the recovery in Ireland, and the progress in Cyprus, as proof that reform measures pushed by Greece’s lenders can work.

Meanwhile, France's President Francois Hollande suggested that there is still time for Greece and its creditors to achieve a deal. He considers that the end-June is the last possible deadline on Athens.

“This is the latest possible deadline but nothing stops us from going faster and I think it is in Greece’s interest to go faster to avoid doubts or speculations. If we want - and all of us, Greeks and Europeans, have said we do - Greece to stay in the euro zone, we must go towards a solution in a time frame that is not (as late as) the end of the month.”

Speaking on the same matter, U.S. President Barack Obama noted that in order to resolve the situation, Greece should be serious about making some important reforms and "not only to satisfy creditors, but also to create a platform where the Greek economy can start growing again and prospering."

"If both sides show sufficient flexibility, we can get this problem resolved....but it will need tough decisions from all involved."