Shehbaz Nawaz
Shehbaz Nawaz
  • Information
8+ Jahre
Data Analyst in Melbourne
Shehbaz Nawaz
Shehbaz Nawaz
Currency Scores (This month so far)
Shehbaz Nawaz
Shehbaz Nawaz
End of trading week ! 78.16$ Profit
Shehbaz Nawaz
Shehbaz Nawaz
Latest Currency Scores
Shehbaz Nawaz
Shehbaz Nawaz
Amazing EURUSD moved 100pips in last hour
Shehbaz Nawaz
Shehbaz Nawaz
volatility hits all US-Dollar pairs
Shehbaz Nawaz
Shehbaz Nawaz
AUDUSD quite volatile in the past hour. Moved 60 pips within an hour
Shehbaz Nawaz
Shehbaz Nawaz
Currency scores latest
AUD gaining strength
Shehbaz Nawaz
Shehbaz Nawaz
Latest Currency Scores
Shehbaz Nawaz
Shehbaz Nawaz
Latest Currency Scores
Shehbaz Nawaz
Shehbaz Nawaz
Currency Scores as of Now

AUD +52
JPY +46
NZD +31
EUR +08

CAD -01
CHF -11
USD -33
GBP -105
Shehbaz Nawaz
Shehbaz Nawaz
My $EURJPY LONG Position reduces the loss. +37 Pips move in last hourly close
Shehbaz Nawaz
Shehbaz Nawaz
Good afternoon traders!!
Shehbaz Nawaz
Shehbaz Nawaz
$EURUSD currently at dynamic resistance are formed by 30 SMA and 50 SMA
Shehbaz Nawaz
Shehbaz Nawaz
$EURUSD 1.08 important resistance level for the coming week.
Shehbaz Nawaz
Shehbaz Nawaz
EURUSD technical analysis weekly and daily charts
Shehbaz Nawaz
Shehbaz Nawaz 2017.01.15
This analysis is still valid
Shehbaz Nawaz
Shehbaz Nawaz
Weekly currency scores
Francis Anto
Francis Anto 2023.06.04
How can I have this indicator?
Shehbaz Nawaz
Shehbaz Nawaz
NFP in less than three hours
Shehbaz Nawaz
Shehbaz Nawaz
A dull data from US Non-Farm Payroll can power EUR/USD Recovery
Shehbaz Nawaz
Shehbaz Nawaz
Heads up: NFP Release this week
Shehbaz Nawaz
Shehbaz Nawaz
EURUSD on its recent lows was just "340" Pips away from parity