
Can't compile with new build

Hi, I've just updated to build224. When I want to compile/recompile an EA in the editor, it says 0 errors, 0 warnings, but does not make an ex4 file. It is running on a VPS , Win Server 2003, with full administrative rights. When I run "metalang.exe" in a command window, it doesn't even write the

What can cause "cannot load library mylib.dll (error 126)"?

I have developed a custom dll on my home PC (Win Xp Pro). The EA with the imported dll runs perfectly. When I try to run it on my server (Win Server 2003), it gives error 126 . The settings in the platforms are identical, I assume there is something different, something may be missing in OS

Advanced programming question about renaming a file

I would like to rename a file (or copy, or move) in the experts\files default mt4 working directory, without external custom dlls, and without hard-coding the path name of the platform. Does anyone has an idea how it can be possible? The simple WinAPI functions doesn't seem to work without full

Backtesting with older builds

I cannot use my older FXT files with older builds either recently. (The ones which had the recalculate function .) The whole system could be used like a month ago. The checker function in the FXTheader gives no error, when running it through the files. I even attached FXT collector, and collected

Stuck with "Invalid Stops" error

Does anyone have an idea why these lines (extracted from my EA) giving me Invalid Stops error on USDJPYm on live account? It is okay on demo with same leverage.. . I am stuck here. double closePips = 15 ; double lotSize = 2 ; string sym =" USDJPYm "; double stopLoss = NormalizeDouble ( MarketInfo (

what is "no error" exactly?

My OrderSend () function just returned with an error of "no error". It returned false, but the order was opened, as the error message said. What is this exactly? Error? Or No Error

How does communication between account and platform affect speed of a program?

I made a script -out of curiousity- about how much time different functions take to be run. (That is how many times does a loop containing the tested functions run in a second). I found that different account/order information functions are quite fast, not really affecting the result. (eg. a Comment

TimeCurrent() / TimeLocal() question

Would someone tell me if I am correct in this (with any brokers)? -There is a scriot running with an infinite loop running with Sleep(1000), so the ticks doesn't have an effect on the runs, only time. -Let's assume, there are a new tick every 10 minutes. -Hours are not important, only minutes and

Slawa or any C++ programmer has an idea of receiving WM_COPYDATA by the platform?

I am working on a project now, where an outside program needs to send a command the MetaTrader platform to do something specific. This command contains some int numbers, nothing serious. It should be checked periodically (like every second or two) by the platform, which then could act upon the

Is it possible to start a script automatically when the platform is loaded?

If the platform is restarted (because of e.g. server restart) after an EA has been attached and started, the EA remains attached and started upon loading, so automatic platform restarts are easy. Now, I have a script with an endless loop ( while(! IsStopped ()) ): can automatic start upon platform