
Several indicators handles based on each other

Hi there fam! I've been searching for this all over the place, but couldn't find anything related to it. Maybe someone is willing to share a solution, if there is any. A simplified version of what im trying to do: Create an iMA, then IMAonArray using the first iMA, and an additional iMAonArray using

Moon Phases - What do you think?

There is a big variety of ways of predicting the market. One of them is Moon Phases - due to how they affect human nature. Full Moon being bearish (biased to the negative side of things), and New Moon being bullish (the opposite). What's your approach on that? or did you even know such thing exists

Question about line colors

Hey there ! I have a question on how to boost a bit the looks of an oscillator line that I coded - I was wondering if changing line colors based on price levels is possible - meaning the further it gets from 0 - the more it's color changes. Anyone tried to do that with MQL4 without creating infinite