
Closing Pending Order and Opening new OrderSend?

I am wanting to close a pending order (assume we are only talking about a OP_BUYSTOP here) if the (iMA-iATR) > OrderStopLoss() on every H1 Close calculation. If that is true, then delete the order, and send a new order out with the new calculations based upon where the stop should now be on the

IsNewBar() - specific time instead?

Can I change this: //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Ensuring its a new candle function | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ bool IsNewCandle() { if (Bar1Time == iTime( NULL , low, 0

Easiest way to halt trading on stop loss being hit?

So I know when a stop loss was hit: what's the easiest way to halt trading for 1 hour when I know this? I.e. OnTick fails on an equality statement every time for 1 hour after I discover a stop loss was hit? cheers

FXCM - Tick Value is wrong - compromise?

So I have touched on this before briefly in a fairly old thread but I am not wanting to come up with an efficient solution to this issue. The programmers at FXCM have emailed me saying that I need to use: Print ( " -- Tick Size is: " , DoubleToStr(MarketInfo( Symbol (),MODE_TICKSIZE), 5 ) , " --

iCustom() - How to use it?

So I am wanting to incorporate ADR into my algorithm and have picked up a public indicator rather than spending time writing it myself. Does the trick for what I am after. //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Daily Range

Risk - Not factoring in Denominated Account?

So, I just wanted another set of eyes on this because as far as I am aware, in my risk (lot) calculation's, all I am calculating is what the pip value is in the term currency and not in my deposit currency? Therefore, depending on the market I trade, the Term Currency pnl will be correct, but


if ( OpenOrdersThisPair( Symbol ()) == 0 && LotSize_Buy >= minlot ) { BuyTicketOrder1 = OrderSend ( Symbol (),OP_BUY,LotSize_Buy,Ask , 3 , 0 , 0 , NULL ,MagicNumber1, 0 ,Green);RefreshRates();

Move comment box into top right?

I'm guessing I do not use "Comment" but something else? What's the easiest way just to put a Comment in the top right hand corner of chart? Cheers

zero divide error on demo testing but not ST?

//+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Order Entry function - Buy or Sell (pending orders) | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ void OrderEntry( int direction) { //Stop calculations ------------------- double

2D Optimization - How to read it?

Forgive me for asking what may turn out (based upon the answer I receive) to be a stupid question, but what additional value am I gaining from the 2D optimization screen vs scatter graph? What am I "looking" for when using the 2D optimization. What do I want to see and not want to see? Cheers