
Multi Terminal and signals...

According to some documentation signal subscription should be available in the toolbox but I am missing the tab here. Why

Nagging SL adjustment

void start() { string _trade_ticker= Symbol (); if (_orders> 0 ){ i= 0 ; double _stop_loss; for (i= OrdersTotal ()- 1 ;i>= 0 ;i--){ if ( OrderSelect (i,SELECT_BY_POS,MODE_TRADES)== false ){ continue ;}

csv export

This mql4 script is not exporting to csv when attached to a chart. Why? static datetime check; void start() { if (check!=Time[ 0 ]) { check=Time[ 0 ]; Write(); } } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ /| Write |

metaquotes data gap

Price data from may to july for key currency pairs is missing as of this morning. I have tried downloading and even refreshing the chart but nothing

Custom for loop

Is it possible to have a for loop that cycles in intervals as opposed to going through all numbers in a range? For example if I had this loop double lows[]; for ( int i= 1000 ;i> 0 ;i--){ lows[i]=Low[i];} and I wanted to add Low prices for 0, 40,80,120,... up to 1000. How would I go about


Is there a shorter way to do this? int a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h; MathMax ( MathMax ( MathMax (a,b), MathMax (c,d)), MathMax ( MathMax (e,f), MathMax (g,h))); -Steve

MQL 5 Issues

Hi first off I just registered at mql5 but I cannot login... and even when I do after a few attempts I get automatically logged out! Any way my query on mq5 is: 1)How do you call account leverage? Is this the same as AccountInfoDouble( ACCOUNT_MARGIN_LEVEL )

error 4111

Hi am getting this error on some of my sell orders . What does shorts not allowed mean