
MT5 brokers thar operate crude oil

Does anyone know any MT5 broker that operates crude oil ? Thanks

Data Format: ticks, symgroups, symbols

I would like to understand the MT4 binary files: ticks.raw symgroups.raw symbols.raw symbols.sel What are they mean exactly? Could MT4 developers open their format for us? Thanks & Regards

"WindowScreenShot" function Suggestion

I think the " WindowScreenShot " function should support the window handler as parameter. Example: int handle = WindowHandle ( " GBPUSD " , PERIOD_D1 ) ; // Returns the handler containing the GBPUSD daily chart. WindowScreenShot ( " GBPUSD-D1.gif " , 800 , 600 , 0 , - 1 , CHART_CANDLE , handle ) ;

Java & MQL4

Dear MetaTrader Developers, I have to write a binary file in JAVA language and read it using MQL, but i am facing an incompatibility problem. I am writing a simple integer ("400") value into a binary file ("data. dat") using the following Java code: File f = new File ( " data.dat " ) ;

Exception handling for OpenSend()

What is the correct way to handling exception for OrderSend () function ? Is the following MQL4 code a properly way? bool OpenOrderSuccessCheck ( int result ) { if ( result == ERR_NO_ERROR || result == ERR_NOT_ENOUGH_MONEY || result == ERR_MARKET_CLOSED ) { return ( true ) ; } if ( result ==

C/C++ DLL & MetaTrader

Hello, Could anyone give me an example of how passing an int value by reference to a DLL function ? I have tried the following code: C++: main.cpp of MyDll.dll: #define DLLIMPORT __declspec (dllexport) ... DLLIMPORT void __stdcall GetIntValue ( int & i ) { i = 10 ; } MQL4: Library (mydll_lib.mqh)