
Terminal.exe not starting in Win7-x86 on VirtualBox (NTDLL.DLL fault)

New installed Terminal.exe not starting in Windows 7 (x86 32bit) on VirtualBox . I tried different VirtualBox versions: 5.1 and 4.3 I tried installing Win7 from different .iso I tried installing MT4 from different sources The problem is always the same: Faulting application name: terminal.exe

[PROPOSAL] Use of a Quotes Synthetizer for deeper testing of EAs

Use of a Quotes Synthetizer for deeper testing of EAs In electronics is a common practice to test signal-processing systems performance using specific signals that tests the system in each of the dimensions it process (amplitude, frequency, waveform, etc.) The same principle used for optimization of

Tip to better direct users to the site resources

Just a tip to better direct users to the site resources: take a look on the landing page: which is the main resource/link a just landed user see? Traders Forum & Articles no immediate highlights on others resources like Jobs , Market and Signals this is just a note about

Which OS (Windows family) is best (lighter) for MT virtualization?

Which operative system (of the Windows family) is best (lighter) for MT virtualization? I am also interested to know if there are installation custiomizations or configurations to further reduce its footprint. Purpose of this OS is only to run MetaTrader in a virtual machine , so the smaller ram/cpu

Passing an array to a function: any way to make it type-independent?

I made a function ArrayPrepend() that insert a value in the first element [0] of an array shifting the values already present down by 1. (the last element is lost) Currently I need 2 different functions to do this, because ArrayPrepend() only accept arrays of the declared type: void intArrayPrepend(