
Duplicate values in Dynamic Array after ArraySort()

Hi Guys - I'm struggling with something that should be really simple and I'm not sure what I am doing wrong here. I have 2 simple Dynamic Arrays. The first one stores a list of all my "Winning" (positive) trades and works fine after I sort them (MODE-DESCENDING): for ( int i=NoTradesBest- 1 ; i>= 0


Hi guys... My EA has about 30 Arrays - all calculating specific values - which are stored in Global Variables that I use throughout my code. My Question is: - Will my code be faster if I consolidate all (or group) my Arrays and Global Variables in 1 function

Trading Server

Hi guys... I've just bought a Dell 2850 (2 x 3.6Ghz with 8GB RAM) server to help me optimize my EA. Can anyone give me an indication of how many instances of Mt4 I can run concurrently? Thanx Mike

How do I insert a"1/2" symbol into Text?

Hi guys... Can anyone tell me how to insert a small "1/2" symbol into my Text.... string HalfHourSymbol = "?" ; string NFP_HeadsUp = "NFP Starts in 1" +HalfHourSymbol+ " hours" ; ...I'm struggling to work this small thing out... Thanx

Can I quit MQL4 processing and run a Function imediately

Hi Guys... Was just wondering if there is a way to "run" a Function immediately.... ie. If I 'Click' on a Chart 'Button'.... can I tell Mql4 to 'Stop" processing what it is doing and run the Function that I want it to run.... ...if that makes any sense.... there a Function that just "Stops"

Unresponsive Buttons

Hi Guys... I'm just wondering if anyone has the same issue... my mql4 "Buttons" (OnChartEvent) on my MT4 charts are very delayed or un-responsive.... It's definitely got something to do with the Data Feed but I have no other way to explain this to you... You will either know what I am talking about

Chart_Height_In_Pixels data Error

Hi guys Could someone tell me why I get a " Possible Loss of Data due to Type Conversion" Error when getting the Chart Height in Pixels... It's not the end of the world, but it is driving me crazy as I have tried everything to get rid of this "Warning"... // int ChartHeight; set as Global Variable

Reducing RAM

Hi Guys... Can any of you give me a few pointers on how to reduce my EA's RAM... specifically Indicators that I use on my GUI ( Graphical Interface )... Most of my heavy "lifting" is done with Arrays and Global variables...but,... I have a GUI that is split into 3 - Chart "0" - the main MT4 chart

Proportional Chart Objects

Does anyone know if it is possible to create objects on the chart that are proportional to the chart screen size....? ie. If I have a rectangle eg. H=20 W=100 when my chart is "Full Screen"... those rectangle stats become H= 10 W=50 when the chart size is minimized to half the full screen... If

Calling Buffer Values using iCustom

Maybe this can help someone out sometime.... because I have been losing hair and sleep for that last 5 days... When you are using iCustom(Symbol(),0,"AnyIndicator",BufferNumber,Shift) .... PLEASE don't take it for granted that the indicator in question can be in a "Sub-folder" of your "Indicators"