
Anyone know how to read the value from a graphical object?

Hi all, I want to be able to draw an object (eg a line) and for my code to be able to read the parameters of that line and perform operations based on those parameters. (x1, y1, x2,y2)....Is there such a functionality in mq4? Thanks in advance

Database operations

Hi all Yet another question for you guys. And thank you for your help so far. This forum rocks! Is there a way to perform database operations from mq4? Eg, I want to find a particular record in a csv file and replace one of its fields. Thanks M

sMail issues

Hi Has anyone used sMail.dll? I can't seem to get it to work. I follow the instructions and even the demo file doesn't send any email. No errors are reported. The boolean value returned is 1! I get a popup asking for my permission for email to be send. I click on "yes". And still, no email is sent

Help please. Simple question that has cost me a lot of sleep!

I'm new to this forum and hello everyone :) My question is: How do I specify a path in mq4 to save a file to the root directory (c:\)? Sounds simple but I can't seem to get around it. Somehow it keeps saying that there are too many symbols (doesn't like the ":" I think). Thanks in advance Marty