
Create new bar even without tick in mt4

hello everyone would it be possible to force mt4 to create a new candle at the beginning of the new chosen time frame bar sometimes it takes mt4 30 or more seconds to create a new bar even if new 15 minute any thought? thx

50,000 € available to trade... how, what do I do with it?

Hello, As you may know, i've been on this forum for some time but haven't really made any profit yet. I have been trying hard, but it doesn't seem to work out. I want to make something out of the 50,000€ i've got to trade, not a living, but something acceptable. Please do advise me on this. I'm

Why is the trend our friend?

Hello I've got this simple question that has been bothering me for a while. Why is the trend our friend? I seem to get caught on this all the time. When I look to go with the trend, most of the time I mess up. Whereas going AGAINST the trend works really well for me. Is it a question of feeling