
Trendline values

Hi - I written a simple EA to plot a trend line using ObjectCreate and OBJ_TREND, with OBJPROP_RAY_RIGHT set as True. I have variables which return the Time and Price value for the two anchor points . The trend line is drawn and extends to the right, and I am trying to get the return the trend line

multiple comments from multiple functions or another solution to my problem?

Hi - no idea what I am doing(complete novice), but I have managed to create an EA that uses 'if' and 'else if' logic to display output as a comment. I have two functions running similar conditions, I am calling both functions in the OnTick function and only the last function display as a comment

new High & Low code to Alert when criteria met

Hi - I'm very new to coding and have drowned in google searches and reading instruction manuals trying to find the correct way to code for high/low alerting. --- For the new high criteria, I want to generate an alert when the past 5 bars have the high being from bar 3. e.g.: double HighBar1 =