
memcached using a dll

Does anyone tried to use memcached for data caching? I have indicators that take a long time to calculate and as long as I don't expect a value to change, I would like to take the value from cache. I love memcahced, but I wasn't able to find a usable dll with exported functions. Help will be

Overcoming History Gaps, Downloading History, Daylight Saving (

Hey, I believe that all the issues are related so I've grouped them into one post. First of all, I've noticed that if on a machine that MT4 didn't run for a while, when I start it I might get some gaps in the history. When I press the download button the history slightly changes and some other gaps

Advanced Analysis to Strategy Tester Reports

Hi, Are there are tools that you can recommend that will allow me to do in depth analysis to strategy tester reports? Thanks

Bit-wise operations as initial value of global (normal and extern variables)

Hi, I try to define a global variable with initial value like this: #define A = 0x1 ; #define B = 0x2 ; extern int X = A|B; I get a compilation error that says that , or ; are expected instead of the |. When trying to to the same in a function , everything works great: int foo() { int X = A|B;

GetSystemPowerStatus dll import

Hey I would like import the kernell32.dll function GetSystemPowerStatus to know if I am running on UPS in case of a power loss. The problem is that the function receives a pointer to a struct to write the output to: BOOL WINAPI GetSystemPowerStatus( _Out_ LPSYSTEM_POWER_STATUS lpSystemPowerStatus