
Export 1 Year of 1 Minute data

Is it possible to export 1 year of 1 minute data from MT4? I checked history center but there is only 5 days of candle to download. Also is it possible to export tick data, which is more accurate than 1 minute

Webrequest Suddenly Doesn't Work

I have an EA where it sends Webrequest every few seconds. The EA would run for a few hours, then suddenly the webrequest would just stop working. I have set the Webrequest to have 3000ms (3 seconds) timeout, but when it stop working, it would just abruptly gives -1 error and getlasterror will show

Webrequest Shows Error for Invalid https certificate

Is there a way to allow webrequest to work even with invalid certificate? The reason is I generated the certificate on my own, and upon visiting the website my browser will show a warning saying certificate is not valid. I believe this is why webrequest don't work as well

Wininet Doesn't Send Out HTTP Request

string query = StringConcatenate ("symbol=BTCUSDT&isIsolated=TRUE&timestamp=",( long ) TimeGMT ()* 1000 , "&signature=", signature); string script = StringConcatenate ("sapi/v1/margin/openOrders?", query, "&signature=", signature); string host = ""; string header =

Does WebRequest have DELETE function

I am trying to use DELETE method for WebRequest function , but it seems to always return error -1. There are not much discussion about this issue after some searching, besides using some windows function as workaround? Some suggest X-HTTP-method-override: DELETE but I don't think that works. Just

Unable to convert String to Double with StrToDouble

char post[], result[]; string str; int res = WebRequest ( "GET" , "" , "Content-Type:application/json" , 0 ,post,result,str); string stringData = CharArrayToString (result); string sep= "," ;

How to Retrive Array Data from WebRequest Response

char post[], result[]; string str; int res = WebRequest ( "GET" , "" , "Content-Type:application/json" , 0 ,post,result,str); if (res != 200 ) { Print (res + "," + GetLastError ()); } else {

Trouble Importing Metatrader CSV Data

Hi there. I have exported a csv file with past 1 year of history from metatrader 4 for a forex chart. The timeframe is 1 minute. I used 'Symbols' (Or Ctrl+U) -> 'Bars' to export the csv file. However, when I tried to import the file again to view the 1 year history, it seems that there is no option