
Another CPanelDialog

Hi, Is it possibel to have 2 CPanelDialog on a chart? i mean i have a main CPanelDialog to have all the conditions of an EA, when i "check" the check box "view status", another CPanelDialog will appear with all status of the ea within it, the problem is when i "uncheck" the box function would be to

clear struct array

Hi, i want to ask on how to clear the array. struct TradeData { string comment; string symbol; string ticket; double lots; double openprice; int activated; } TradeData TrdData[ 11 ]; After putting data on the array, if all conditions are met, array

Symbol Specifications

Hi, Is it possible for an EA to get Symbol Specifications on a client terminal? Thanks


Hi everyone, can someone of you enlighten me about the MA_Shift on iMA. I dont have any idea. Thanks

Function return array

Hi, Does anyone here tried to create a function that returns an array? Instead of creating a function that returns ticket number, open price for a specific logic, store all of the necessary data on array returned to a function. Thanks