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Added topic How can I verify if an trader was open
Hello. I want to save in txt same values when an trader was open. I thing that the best way is in each tick, verify if an trader was opened... How Can I do this? I need to verify if an trader was opened and to verify this, in each tick... Thanks for
Added topic Start many script with one script
Hi! I have one script for each time: 1, 5, 15, 60 minutes and 1 day and 1 week. For each time, I put or drag my script for over. How Can I to create a script that start all this scripts in the same time in each windows that each script belongs
Added topic Save for mql4 as in History Center Data
Hi. For I download the full data of currency, I go in Histoty Center Data where I use the Export Button for save all data in .csv file. I can save the same data using the mql4 with the File_Write . I use a loop and save datas. But, for this process
Added topic Script with loop infinitive, How Can I get out?
Hello Mrs... I use the fallow code for create an loop. This loop save in .csv file any information. But when I finish or remove this script, all information in my .csv file are erased... I imagine that is happens because my loop is infinite. So, when
Added topic If file copy for other folder, datas showed are different...
Hello. I have a problem, very very crazy. I create the fallow code: int start() { //---- int handle = FileOpen("file.csv", FILE_WRITE , ";"); int bar_teste= 10; if(handle>0) { // table column headers recording FileWrite(handle
Added topic loop save in txt only one time, the first time....
Hello. I try save in txt the Close price . int start() { //---- int _time_waiting=0; bool tester=False; int handle; int j; for (j=2; j>1; j++) { FileFlush(handle); FileClose(handle); if (tester==False) _time_waiting = TimeLocal() + 5; while (
Added topic Metaeditor and Vista 64, is a problem?
Hello. I have a problem with my MetaEditor, I imagine that solution is simple... I think this follow code is very very simple: #property copyright "Copyright © 2010, MetaQuotes Software Corp." #property link